Stock Photos – Creativity happens when you least expect it

[App] Stock Photos by Dreamstime

Stock PhotosStock Photos : Creativity happens when you least expect it, so make sure you’ve always got the best stock photos available, whenever you need them, by installing the Dreamstime app.

With the Dreamstime app, amazing royalty-free images are just a tap away!

Create on-the-go with…

Advanced search & zoom-in of over 94 million professional photos and illustrations
Save images to your favorites to download now or later and share images with ease.
Super quick account set-up and effortlessly intuitive navigation makes finding stock photos easy.
Fast and easy download on any smartphone or tablet.
Download archive and invoice history always at hand.
Amazing high-quality images from the largest community in stock photography anywhere. We’ve got over 20 million pros creating media you’ll love!
Standard and extended licenses for multiple usages and users.

With the Dreamstime stock photography app inspiration is always in your pocket. You can easily browse, search, download, and license amazing images from professional creators worldwide directly to your smartphone or tablet.

Get started now! Download the Dreamstime app and sign up for a FREE account or sign into your existing account.

With Dreamstime creative ideas are now possible anywhere.

Stock Photos user reviews :

Fast and easy to use app. The best collection of stock photos seen so far. I like the wallpaper option, my phone looks much better now!

Have used earlier ver on SamsungS6. Dnled latrst ver on Samsung S9. I am unable to log in to my accnt. Highly disappointed
  • DreamstimeJuly 10, 2018
  • Version 3.3 addresses the login issues that you have, kindly upgrade to the latest version and adjust your rating, if the problem is gone. You can always contact us directly if you have any other issues with the app. Thank you!
Great resource for free and commercial images
  • DreamstimeOctober 2, 2018
  • Thank you for taking the time to review our app.
I love the affordability of images on Dreamstime, and their selection of free images is not only huge, but they’re images worth downloading. Also, I love this app. I use it ALL the time. I guess I have one complaint: after a certain amount of scrolling, if I try to view an image I’m kicked out and have to start at the beginning. Not sure why it does that. Overall though, I love it.
  • DreamstimeOctober 2, 2018
  • Thank you for taking the time to review our app. We missed your review until now, I apologize for that. Please advise if the problem persist. Feel free to email us through the app’s contact form so we can assist you much faster.
Good apps, various pictures.
  • DreamstimeOctober 2, 2018
  • Thank you for taking the time to review our app.
Nice app! I want to ask that 5 of my photos were accepted for sales but when i search it on this app none of my photo comes unless i followed the picture link of website which directs me to the exact picture. Otherwise its just awesome :) Please reply ?
  • DreamstimeJanuary 16, 2017
  • Hello and thank you for taking the time to review our app. The image requires a few days to be updated throughout the entire site/app. If you still don’t see the image please email us and include the image ID. Also, ensure that the image is family-friendly since the app may block some images due to content concerns.
I am really satisfy with this apps.
  • DreamstimeNovember 17, 2016
  • Thank you for taking the time to review our app.

It works smoothly! Now I can quickly browse and download images from everywhere. Thumbs up!

Very good app.i love dreamstime
  • DreamstimeOctober 2, 2018
  • Thank you for taking the time to review our app.

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