Artecture Draw – Tune them to match your own taste

[App] Artecture Draw , Sketch, Paint

Artecture Draw : Artecture enables you to sketch, draw and paint like never before.

If you love to draw, regardless you are an amateur or a pro, Artecture provides all the tools that you’d love. Enjoy over 30 unique high quality realistic tools. Tune them to match your own taste. You will love it. It’s made by art lovers for art lovers like you. It is simple, beautiful and fun, all together. You can do everything from taking notes to fast architectural sketches, cartoons, illustrations, water color and oil paintings. It feels so real. The best part: it’s all free. No ads.. no download request.

Get it and discover a natural and authentic experience of drawing, painting & sketching on canvas.

Join the Artecture artist community on facebook and learn and share more about it!

Page Name: Artecture Digital Art Community

Main Features:

All the drawing tools that you love to draw and paint with, including Pencil (for realistic sketches), Marker Pen, Oil Brush, Oil Blend brush, Oil real brush, Water Color, Airbrush, Palette Knife (with color mixing), Paint Roller, Paint Tube, Eraser, Flood Fill, Glitter Tube, Far brush, Gradient Brush, Fill Pattern for Every Tool and more.
Multi-Layers with create, remove, lock, visibility, opacity, re-ordering, merge etc.
Different Image effects on selected layer like Sepia, Inverse, Blur , Gray, Bright, Colorize etc.
Symmetry: Vertical, Horizontal, Concentric with changeable center of symmetry.
Tracing with automatic color pick, Template Coloring, Import/Export Image.
Geometric Shape (Free, Line, Rectangle, Circle) drawing.
Pen-Only mode (Palm rejection).
Canvas rotation
Multi-Touch shortcuts.
Color Palette with favorite color defaults and color picker.
Floating favorite Color and Tool Palette.
Rectangular and Free hand selection.
Copy, Paste Rotation and mirroring of selected area.
Text Insertion (Insert, resize, rotate and mirror).
Export artworks to standard image formats (.jpeg, .png, .bmp).
Auto save of artworks.
Open last drawing with tool preferences.
Static background (Texture, Color, Image)
Tool presets

By default, it saves artworks in “Artecture” folder on device storage, with .bme file format. Only Artecture Gallery can open/view this file format. However, you may export to .bmp image file format also. To reuse a .bmp file, you can simply insert it using the insert option.
It gives option to change the storage location. Gallery can detect .bme artworks from all the changed locations on device storage.

Upload artworks on Facebook & PenUp both from canvas and gallery.
Share artworks via Bluetooth, WI-FI Direct.
Mail, send or save artworks and exported images via MMS, email, shareit and other applications installed in the device.

Help & Support:
Quick reference guide covers the basics of the app.
Need help? Feel free to email us:

This Digital painting tool is free of cost, but advanced in performance.
You will not be bothered with any advertisement, because we made it ads free.

The Artecture screenshots are artworks of students and professors of Fine Art department, Dhaka University. We thank them for allowing us to share.

Special thanks to Mr. Gar Cia for allowing us to include his artwork as a screenshot.

Artecture Draw user reviews :

One of my favorite drawing apps for sure. It did lag and freeze if I work on a drawing for too long a which causes me to lose all of my progress if not for that I’d rate it more stars.

the best app in store. At least it could be if it wasn’t freezing every single time after drawing for like 5min on my Lenovo Tab 2. Thus unfortunately this leaves an awesome app entirely unusable.

The best Drawing App in the Google Play Store!!!!! If you love to draw or even scrap book than this app is for you. There are so many creative things you can do with this App. I personally like making collages and learning how to draw better. One of the features that this app has to offer is the tracing tool, which is one of my favorite tools to use. **This is how I like to use the tracing tool: I import a coloring page from my phones’ gallery/pictures to the Artecture App and then I will use the tracing tool (within the app), to trace over the image. And by doing this it helps me to draw better & I can honestly say; without a doubt, that this app has greatly improved my drawing skills. I highly recommend this App to anyone and everyone. THIS IS A MUST HAVE APP ON YOUR PHONE!!!!!
  • Samsung R&D Institute Bangladesh December 14, 2017
  • Thank you!

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