
[Game] Atomas


AtomasAtomas is a fascinating puzzle game, which you can learn in seconds but will entertain you for weeks.

The perfect game for your spare time!

Your little universe starts with hydrogen atoms only but with the help of the energy rich plus atoms you are able to fusion two hydrogen atoms into one helium atom, 2 helium atoms into one lithium atom and so on. Your primary goal is to create the valuable elements like Gold, Platinum and Silver.

But watch out, if your universe is overfilled with to many atoms it will cause a big crunch and the game is over.
One way to prevent this is to build up long symmetries in your atoms and start big chain reactions.

From time to time minus atoms appear, use them for absorbing and replacing atoms within your universe or sacrifice them for a plus atom.

You see Atomas is not hard to play, but if you want to get to the top you’ll need a good strategy, which keeps your atoms organized.

By creating new elements like oxygen or copper you unlock lucky charms, which effect the game in various ways and adjust it to your strategy.

What Atomas offers you:

simple but addicting game mechanics
45 different atoms to create
9 different lucky charms
Google play games integration
share your score on twitter and Facebook
quick tutorial

The developers high score is 12 639. Can you do better?

Atomas user reviews :

Addiction has a new name Simple to play, versatile and utterly addictive. This game ia really hard to stop. It is alsi one of the few truly original games of 2015.

LOVE IT!! Addicting game with great fun! Great way to spend time! If you like this game then :) ;) :

Amazing game I love the way this game works, it makes such pretty noises ^^ a very addictive game, well done

Last Update January 14, 2017 :

 Updated official names for elements
 Updated name for one fictional element
 Menu atom displays full name of element now (Tap the big atom in the main screen to
run through all created elements)
 Improved leaderboard icon
 Google play games leaderboards can be accessed from the game now
 Some UI Improvements
 Some Bug fixes

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