[App] Code Editor – Compiler & IDE
It is a handy tool for development on Android. It contains all the necessary features for coding, includes syntax highlighting, auto indention, code assist, auto completion, compilation and execution, etc.
If you need a plain text editor, please search for and download QuickEdit Text Editor.
Code Editor Features:
Syntax highlighting for over 110 languages (C++, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Markdown, PHP, Perl, Python, Lua, Dart, etc).
Include online compiler, can compile and run over 30 common languages (Python, PHP, Java, JS/NodeJS, C/C++, Rust, Pascal, Haskell, Ruby, etc).
Code assist, folding and auto completion.
Easily navigate between multiple tabs.
Undo and redo changes without limit.
Search and replace with regular expressions.
Show or hide line numbers.
Highlight matching parentheses.
Automatic indent and outdent.
Displays invisible characters.
Open files from recently opened or added file collections.
Preview HTML and Markdown files.
Includes Emmet support for web development.
Evaluate JavaScript code with built-in JavaScript console.
Access files from FTP, FTPS, SFTP and WebDAV.
Integrate and easy access to GitHub and GitLab.
Access files from Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive.
Physical keyboard support, including key combinations.
Three application themes and over 30 syntax highlighting themes.
If you can help to translate this application into your native language, please contact us at support[at]rhmsoft.com
If you encounter any issues or have any suggestions, please feel free to contact us at support[at]rhmsoft.com
Code Editor user reviews :
Been flipping through these one by one. I’ve got a rather small amount of coding experience and skills rn. So I don’t know if this will always be my favorite but so many other services of this nature are just not enough. At the same time I’m four in. So maybe I’ll find another but between two completely broken ones, one I hate, and another that just feels like I’m drowning in features that wants me to pay.
Editing experience 4.5 star. Ads experience 3 star. Because while studying a huge focus is needed but ads are distracting. Some ads are good like about Gemini, Banking apps but rest is not ok. Ad experience is awesome if I was to take suggestions for watching something erotic. But while studying it is too disappointing
Best Editor For Android…..BUT. I wish that BASIC was supported or that I could add my own syntax highlighting. Brilliantly Advanced Structured Instruction Code is what today’s BASICs are and they ain’t going away :) This is why no 5 stars. “110 languages” supported and NO BASIC!
I’ve made some awesome files but it rarely, very rarely messes up your code and switches it the code from your other files by random choice, I’ve once made a game I worked so hard on, with several hundreds of lines of code, learning new things about Javascript to make it work, and it just wiped out all my hard work with NOTES, freaking NOTES, I couldn’t undo the save, plus I didn’t save in the first place, so when using this app, be careful, it can screw up your files randomly w/ something else!
This is a great editor for the phone. Line numbering, markdown highlighting, local storage access for syncthing compatibility, and DAV support. It is also very fast and effective.
Great editor, but it occasionally keeps adding line breaks into my code, without me touching the keyboard! This makes it unusable. Very annoying.
It would be nice if file associations can be set automatically. After purchase and when I run the html I can’t return to the editor. It stucks on the webpage viewer.
I don’t know if it’s just a problem on my end or what but it doesn’t properly run my code. It can only print outputs. I would make something that asks the user for input on multiple lines but it wouldn’t properly process and execute it.
The best compiler for coding and programming so far. Looking for a compiler to store, write, and run your codes, I’ll recommend you download this, and it’s ad free (well, from my side). Buh there’s a bug I’d love the developers to resolve, the app keeps lagging when I paste images with long links I hope you developers get to resolve it. I’d still rate this app 5 stars tho, cos I’ve been using it for closed to two years and it’s been doing all fine.
Contact Code Editor developer :
Download Code Editor, the latest Productivity app developed by Rhythm Software.
Click here to get Code Editor from Google Play Store.
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