Deadstate – Save the world from the invasion of the dead

[Game] Deadstate – Zombie Survival RPG

DeadstateWill you survive in the post-apocalyptic world? Save the world from the invasion of the dead in an online survival RPG!

Only you, stalker, will revive the empire from the ruins after the Zombie Apocalypse. Summon rare heroes, equip them with weapons and go on a raid! Aren’t you afraid of the dead and mutants, the virus, and the plague in the post-apocalyptic world? Join the action MMORPG battles. Today is the last chance to survive on Earth!

Deadstate: Heroes is an online action game, a survival simulator, a combination of shooter and multiplayer strategy. There has never been such an AFK MMORPG online game. Decide who has the last day on Earth.

Unlock the survivors of the post-apocalyptic world! Upgrade your skills, craft weapons. All survivors have an attack strategy: shooting or fighting. Gather a team to protect the city from the walking dead and the army of mutants. Win a war with the zombies.

Choose a turn-based strategy. Build a new shelter, city, and empire. Food and materials are piling up even when you’re afk. Defend yourself from the invasion of monsters.

You can’t survive alone in the apocalypse – create alliances and clans. Find online friends from all over the world. With them, shooting and fighting zombies is easier.

In the PVE campaign, send a guild of heroes from shelter to the infected and anomalous zones. The walking dead await you here. You will need a turn-based strategy.

The virus mutates, the plague spreads. Among the infected there are powerful monsters – this is an action game for survivors. Go to the anomaly zone, fight mutants in PVE matches and defeat their empire. Receive rare heroes and weapons.

Plunder the bases and cities of rivals. Save the shelter from invasion and gunfire. Join multiplayer battles. The guild of heroes keeps on battling, even when you’re afk! Zombie PVP matches await.

Do you like shooter and war games? Guild of heroes will help you defeat enemies in the multiplayer arena. Start a raid, defeat an army of opponents in battles in PVP MMORPG matches. Stalker, are you ready to win all battles in the PVP arena?

Send your army to the bowels of the bunker and find a vaccine against the virus and the plagues. Beware of the walking dead and monsters in the bunker.

Shooter, survival, action, and turn-based strategies – all of this in our AFK online RPG game. Stalker, are you ready to explore the anomaly zone and fight back the zombie plague yet?

Survive as if this is the last day on Earth! Stop the invasion of the Zombie Apocalypse! Fight the zombies!

Deadstate user reviews :

I am still an old woman. Devs got back with me very fast when I had some questions. And oh, it makes more sense now. I hesitate to give 5 stars because, really, nothing is perfect. I do enjoy watching the battles, but sometimes, I think I would like to give it a go myself or maybe allowing a player to at least target an enemy would be nice. Anyway, so far its all good especially if you enjoy seeing what people can come up with in characters and animation… which I do

  • Hail Survivor! The same rare heroes can be enhanced in the Monument. Ordinary heroes can be exiled at the Gates of Exile. Francis.

Game is solid, the game difficulty scales exponentially after the expedition becomes unlocked. Following up on daily and weekly missions will replenish gold. Spending your gold wisely will help avoid spending money on getting more gold, as well avoid spending money for new survivor heroes. I cannot give the game 5 stars due to the difficulty exponentially scaling at an unprecedented rate, and that it is still in beta and growing. Who knows what could come next – hopefully it’s good!

  • Hail Survivor! Thank you for your positive review! We are happy to see you as a new member of the Settlement! Francis.

Campaign gets difficult very quickly I have no way of progressing. The game says to upgrade my team but I can’t upgrade them any further. It’s very disjointed. Attacking alliance boss is also a waste of time as most of your team die during the first attack and do not revive…. so there’s no point having 3 attempts. It could be a good game but I feel like it’s bottle necking me to spend money.

  • Hail, Survivor! First of all, thank you for your time and your feedback. Secondly, investing money in Deadstate: Heroes only saves time. Resources can be obtained for free: participate in events, complete daily, and weekly quests. Join our Discord if you want the help of experienced players: Neil.

Fun game so far. To the Developer response – lack of communication about server being down (even though it’s beta, communication is helpful and appreciated), and the expedition takes too long to complete and difficulty is too hard for the rewards.

  • Hail Survivor! Much appreciated for your positive review! We are happy to see you as a new member of the Settlement! If you have any reason why you rated us a bit less than best, we would be glad to hear it :) Francis.

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