Dinos Online – Find and hunt prey for your survival

[Game] Dinos Online

Dinos Online  With the instinct of dinosaurs, attack and hunt without halt!

Find and hunt prey for your survival, and grow faster and more strongly than other dinosaur tribes.
You can protect your tribe from the threat and attacks of other tribes, and enjoy hunting with friends from all over the world. Don’t miss out the opportunity to meet enormous kinds of dinosaurs and living things from the Jurassic period. Oh, you can meet alien beings.

When you start the game, you can choose one tribe among Dilophosaurus, Compsognathus, Oviraptor, and Velociraptor.
You can find an enormous kinds of dinosaurs that lived in the Mesozoic Era such as Velociraptor and T-rex, a carnivorous dinosaurs, as well as Apatosaurus and Triceratops that are herbivorous dinosaurs.
If you succeed in hunting, other dinosaurs of your tribe around you also receive the experience points.
You can enjoy hunting in the map that has over 13 various characteristics and geographical features.
You can summon the dinosaurs of your tribe through the summoning function.
If you die several times in the beginning of the game, you will be transformed into a huge different dinosaur for each tribe.
Try hunting a gigantic King Kong in the King Kong Field. If you succeed in its hunting, you will receive a Tyrannosaurus pet as a reward.
You can fight all dinosaurs regardless of tribes only in the Colosseum of map.
In the Black Hole region where a meteor has dropped, you can meet huge monsters that have appeared in 4Force Online game.
In the Sky Land, you will turn into a King Kong if you eat a dead extraterrestrial life.

This game has removed violent descriptions and expressions in it to protect children and adolescents, and provides a chatting-off function to prevent inappropriate conversations.
You cannot recover the game once it is deleted

Developer’s Message
I apologize for not making Dinos Online at the right time as I promised. In fact, we are a small game development company that has only a few employees and not enough money. That’s why we’re so late. But please keep supporting the games of 1Games from now on!

Please visit our Facebook( or Youtube( page if you want more information.

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Dinos Online user reviews :

Good game!I’ve seen many people complain you can’t be a trex but, if you have luck and kill enough mobs or players it will make you a big dinosaur for 1 life, when u die as it u go back to normal.

I love this game alot but the most reason that i gave a rating of 4 stars is there is lots of hesitation within the attacking dino the player is, when one attacks and hold the attack botton down the one gets the results like that … It dosent matter if there is 5 or 10 or just 1 it does that most of rhe time plus the way the maps r made i ended up falling out of map at the rockt area of the frilled dino starting area lots of mid air fighting everywhere too… Could this be fixed

Hey thanks for updating the game and making changes to the xml codes. I really appreciate your effort to stop hacking. However with the latest update there came a problem – if you haven’t noticed it – the camera angle is fixed and we cannot zoom in or out (especially for compy players i think). This makes the gameplay really uncomfortable since our dinos block the view. Plz fix this thank you.

Awesome game when it is working. It will get stuck on the load screen sometimes for a week or two and then randomly will start working again for a couple weeks. I have not found a way to fix this myself, and have tried everything. Do NOT delete the game, it will not help and also because it does not let you save your account through Google. So if you delete it, your progress will be lost forever. If they would just fix that problem it would be a great game and I’d give it 5 stars.

Awesome The game is amazing it would he nice to see a dragon game like this but can you make the respawn time a little shorter

The game is great but.. You know what to make it better, when people are trying to get a pet in the King kong Field? Instead of JUST one person geting a pet, multiple people that did the most damage to King Kong should get a pet too. And also can you make multiple pets that people can get too, like a spinosaurs, or a micro raptor. Just a few subjections, thank you for making this game. ^-^ P.S: You know how people attack the monsters in the Black hole map? How it’s team instead of each class of dinos killing each other

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