Dr. Driving

[Game] Dr. Driving

Dr. DrivingDr. Parking came back as Dr. Driving !

Dr. Driving drives you crazy!
Burn up the street with the fastest and most visually
stunning edition of the Dr. Parking series.
Log in with Facebook ID to share high scores with friends.
100Gold will be provided and you can play without advertisements.
Support for Google Play game services. Sign in with your Google+ account to access online leaderboards and achievements.

SUD Inc.

Dr. Driving user reviews :

Pretty good game i would improve it by making the throttle and brake on a slider. All round good game. Good game room for improvement.

that was a good game driving to drive and you can use me of have drivers license easy and quick it was fun you can try it and see the phone I’m talking about I can describe all the fun for you you can describe yourself try out

Surprisingly good. It’s a nice alternative to the other ‘racing games’ available. Even the music, albeit there is only one track, is kinda catchy.

This is a good game if you like cars a lot and if you are looking for a good driving game this is the best choise I love this

Its a good game and fun but hard to complete challanges wich is better becouse it means you learn better to drive

Only played the first part but seems fun, could do without the coins though, I think ita a crap way for them to make money, id prefer adverts and a paid version without ads…

The game is good and is also tough, I’d hope to see a free-roam mode next time.

If I could recommend this to someone it would be everyone its easy fun qnd a great time killer

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