[Game] Dustoff Heli Rescue – Air Force – Helicopter Combat
The Captain of the army has put you in command of the air force. He trusts your skills as a helicopter fighter pilot as well as your experience in air combat and hostage rescue operations.
The world war has already started soldier, prepare your assault weapons, and launch your rescue helicopter. We trust that you will successfully carry out your flying missions. You are the best military helicopter pilot of our army, we trust you to save the lives of our soldiers. If you can’t, no one else can!
Join the army force in this rescue and shooting game. Head up air operations of rescue and take control of powerful attack military choppers:
Rescue soldiers on the battlefield
Rescue and save the lives of soldiers who have been injured by enemy crossfire on the battlefield. Sometimes you will have to go beyond the border of our territory and into a combat zone. In these incursions, prioritize avoiding enemy fire and try to avoid the missiles aimed at your rescue chopper. The main thing is to save the allied military troops.
Provide air support in transport operations.
Accompany the convoys loaded with military weapons toward our base. On the way, you will have to overcome conflictive and hostile zones where the spy will be waiting for you to confront you. Be aware of their missiles and shots. Try to destroy the army before they destroy you!
Cover the military helicopters from enemy attacks
Do your military duty and help the allied tanks and convoys that have been hit by enemy fire on the battlefield. Take your chopper and come to the rescue of the wounded soldiers. Help them with your medical helicopter of our navy.
Command your air military operations
Find the stolen military shipment with your Chinook helicopter and transport it safely to the nearby friendly base, while you fight the hostile tanks and other enemy fighters.
Carry out assault flights to the enemy base and save the hostages held in the prisoner captives of war camps. The army is desperately waiting for the sound of the evacuation helicopters. Only the air force is capable of a successful attack in this mission.
Up to 25 unique missions
3 rescue helicopters, each with different handling and transport characteristics
3 weapons with different capacities
Several missions such as cargo transportation, saving hostages, helicopter shootout, and stopping enemy convoys
Various daytime and weather conditions, such as rainstorms and beautiful jungle sunsets
Numerous warfare scenes, including jungles, swamps, hidden caves, mining systems, and much more
Flying force invasion in this world war
Epic action music and cinematic sound effects
The air force requires courage on your part as a helicopter pilot since ground fire alone will not be able to win this global war. Combat the attacker army in battles and in thrilling air attacks. You have the command, so get in the chopper!
All in a well-known blocky style game.
Dustoff Heli Rescue user reviews :
I really like the game its just that its overly difficult to fly in caves and you have to buy half the things, not to mention all the ads
Love the game but hate the fact that the last 2 helis you have to buy, maybe put in a feature to watch 3 or 4 ads to unlock the helis
Really fun but unnecessarily hard Luke ridiculous what it want you to do at times
This was truly an amazing game until you play it a bit too much. The physics are…. their fine, nothing terrible, nothing great. It’s the map design and AI that gets me tho. The AI that shoots your missles are absolutely horrible. And the map design so poor (for the majority of missions). The maps are copied from previous levels. The majority of the maps are just the mines which are just boring and slow to go through. I have no clue what the budget was on this game, but it just feels lazy.
Awesome game. I like it because it isn’t one of those easy games that you get bored with within 5 minutes. Its actually challenging and fun. And Dusstoff 2 is good also
AMAZING: this game is so cool. Its not a ad game. Its amazing. Actually install it if tou haven’t.
This is a very fun veitnam era game. Good phisics and has a good learning curve
I always come back to this game for some reason it’s just so addictive i would say that it brainwashed me to keep on playing anyways just download it it’s very good and even in 2021 i still love it sincerely- da gamer
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