Early Bird Alarm Clock – It uses different alarm sound randomly

[App] Early Bird Alarm Clock

Early Bird Alarm Clock  If there is a ‘colon’ on the time announcement, please disable ‘Number processing’ on [Android settings > General management > language and input > Text-to-speech > Preferred engine]. Maybe there is a bug on TTS engine on US. – 2020/04/23

Early Bird Alarm Clock is faithful to the basics of Alarm Clock. It is simple but powerful.


Various themes
You can set a beautiful theme for your personality.

Select alarm date for shift worker
Complete schedule such as day-night-off-holiday will be okay!

No more same alarm sound everyday!
It prevents you from sleeping due to familiar alarm sound!
It uses different alarm sound randomly.

Use various alarm stop method in combination!
Combination of QR code, voice recognition, and trace and write force you to get up.

Weather forecast
Do you check the weather forecast every morning?
Early bird shows the weather forecast on notification screen!

Today’s events
If alarm is turned on, it lets you know the weather and events to plan today.

Talking clock
Early Bird Alarm Clock says current time during alarm firing.

It is needed to set custom ringtones in your external storage.

It is needed to dismiss an alarm by taking a QR code.

It is needed to dismiss an alarm by voice recognition.

It is need to show a current weather in your location.

It is need to show events in your calendar.

Early Bird Alarm Clock user reviews :

The only alarm app you’ll need. I’ve been using it for years. I love how highly customizable it is! Tons of options – appearance, talking clock, snooze duration, text, sounds, and much more! The “alarm off” options are great for waking up – which almost never fails at waking me up.

Probably the best alarm app. I’m super happy with this. It’s feature rich, beautiful, reliable and lets me set multiple songs for one alarm, which is what I’ve been looking for. Gripes: – It shows a swipe icon on the clock view for some reason. Very confusing as there is nothing to swipe. – The ringtone selection doesn’t support folders. Will probably buy this soon. Thank you for making this!

The alarms always go off at random times after the time the alarm is set, and sometimes doesn’t go off at all. Just make an app that works without having to mess with the Asus settings. Even with the settings adjusted the alarm still does not work properly. I have no choice but to uninstall.
  • 1year
  • I am sorry for your inconvenience. Would you let me know your asus settings? Would you check a guide?

Used to love this, ever since Android 11, the screen no longer pops up to allow me to turn off the alarm. I now need to unlock the phone, go to the notification and open it before I interact with the alarm. Until this is fixed I am changing alarm apps.

This used to work great. A while back there was an update, and now if my phone is on and I’m in another app when the alarm goes off, the only option that pops up is to snooze. I used to be able to turn off the alarm without having to open up this app. Sometimes I am in the middle of doing something, and it is very inconvenient.

Have been using this app a while now and have found it to be a stable alarm clock for my devices. The extras of voice and ability to add steps before dismissing an alarm are great. Here’s hoping this review stops the nagging aspect. Great work otherwise.

Works just the way I expect it to. Until recently, I had not been using many features, but now I’m using the schedule function to set my work alarms in advance so I only have to check if the widget says it’s set and move on with my day.

Love this app but since an update I think the app doesnt popup on my screen, I have to go to notifications and open it to dismiss or snooze. Not good when I’m half asleep and trying not to wake others up lol. Hope theres a fix as I like this alarm app alot!

Been using this app for YEARS! Fantastic, customizable, minimal ads even if you use the free version (only banner ads). Huge sound library, schedule/routine customization, easy to use and very intuitive interface!

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