Extreme Landings – Test your piloting skills and manage the most critical flight conditions

[Game] Extreme Landings

Extreme Landings : Take the real control.

Test your piloting skills and manage the most critical flight conditions of history.
Resolve emergencies and incidents inspired to real ones, in a crescendo of pure adrenaline.
Start the individual engines, navigate between the equipment dashboards panels and be prepared to solve the over 5,000 possible situations to achieve the highest pilot level.

The simulator includes 24 missions to accomplish, 120 challenges to pass, cartography and worldwide navigation with over 500 accurate airports and weather conditions in real time.

Extreme Landings Features:

24 missions (6 included + 18 to add)
120 challenges of which 6 at global competition (18 included + 102 available for purchase)
15 HD airports (4 included + 11 available for purchase)
Fast landing mode with global competition and 5 fault levels.

Instrument Landing System, ILS
Primary Flight Display
Navigation Display
Meteo Radar to manage Microburst, Ice and wind
Advanced engines system with ignition, faults and fire extinguisher
Fuel management with weight balancing, Jettison and real consumption

Landing gears management with manual unlocking system
Full control of the rudder, flaps, reversers and spoilers

APU management

Global navigation with settable or in real-time weather conditions, with 548 airports and 1,107 runways (available for purchase)
Cinema replay system
3D virtual cockpit with integrated instrumentation
SRTM30 Plus real terrestrial elevation
MODIS VCF real coast line
OpenWeatherMap real-time weather conditions

Extreme Landings user reviews :

It’s a amazing game. I love it. However, level 05 on the in your Career for “Fast Landing”, it’s literally impossible and this may be a bug. The mission literally starts with the aircraft over the airport itself and 30,000 feet in the sky. Like how do you expect that to work out? Plus the mission needs you to do it in 1:30. I got to do it in exactly 1:59:32 but that was pretty close and typically impossible!

Hi Rortos, This is an amazing game. I need to stress that you MUST make a free flight game, even if it is in the app or an app all of its own. If you made this then I, along with many of those I know, would even pay for it. I read many of your reviews before downloading your apps and this has been noted of on many occasions, thanks.

great game! this game is outstanding need more challenge and flying time !!great!! outstanding! Need some free flight!! Good game!! Graphics is great!! Need some free take off with challenges!! Great game!! Scale from 1 to 10 this game rates 11.5 great game!! Great game!! I REALLY enjoy this game!Great game!!outstanding and addictive great game!on a scale from 1 to 10 I rated it a 11!! This is very good game enjoy it very much! Rated as a 12 in my book!

Great game . Nicely done. Aircraft handle well , instrumentation is excellent, really like the engine and fuel tank controls and switches , and the weather radar and landing systems. Detailed cockpits . If you like flying games then get this! Really lets you get a feel for the app before you choose to buy more levels. Great ! Awesome ! A nice challenge, another great RORTOS app. I have a few others of theirs and they are good. Will be buying the full pack and flight sim part of it soon. You guys are on to it !. Well done RORTOS !! Great Devs ! :-)

The best game ever. Exactly like a real airplane

When receiving notifications at least. Other of your apps don’t present this issue. HTC one m7. Sim os good though. Needs achieving and cloud save!

Extreme Landings Absolutely unbelievable simulator !!! Physics , handling and instrumentation applicable to the big birds are exceptional , so impressed , have purchased all 5 flight packs available so far . Would love to see the Boeing 747 , A380 Airbus , C-5A Galaxy and the Antonov An-225 as part of the fleet available , in order to fly ! Deserves 7 plus stars , literally .

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