FastHub – Browse and search Repos

[App] FastHub for GitHub

  If you are using CM rom do not install the app, CM theme engine has a bug and that will result on soft breaking your phone once you install the app.

Welcome to FastHub

FastHub is yet another open source unofficial GitHub client app but unlike any other app, FastHub built from ground up.


Three login types (Basic Auth), (Access Token) or via (OAuth)
Multiple Accounts
Enterprise Accounts
Themes mode
Markdown and code highlighting support
Notifications overview and “Mark all as read”
Search users/orgs, repos, issues/prs & code.
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Browse & Read Wiki
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See your public, private and forked Repos
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Issues and Pull Requests
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Much more…

FastHub is actively developed. More features will come!

Warning! This application may work incorrectly on discontinued CyanogenMod firmware. Since this is a bug of discontinued modified operating system, we can do nothing about it. Please, think of upgrading to LineageOS instead of writing bad reviews.


Why can’t I see my Organizations either Private or Public ones?

Open up and look for FastHub, open it then scroll to Organization access and click on Grant Button,
alternatively login via Access Token which will ease this setup.

I tried to login via Access Token & OTP but it does not work?

You can’t login via Access Token & OTP all together due to the lifetime of the OTP code, you’ll be required to login in every few seconds.

Why my Private Repo Wiki does not show up?

It’s due to FastHub scraping GitHub Wiki page & Private Repos require session token that FastHub doesn’t have.

I login with Enterprise account but can’t interact with anything other than my Enterprise GitHub?

Well, logically, you can’t access anything else other than your Enterprise, but FastHub made that possible but can’t do much about it,
in most cases since your login credential doesn’t exists in GitHub server. But in few
cases your GitHub account Oauth token will do the trick.

You love FastHub? You want new features or bug fixes? Please contribute to the open source project (GitHub Project) either by creating PR or submitting an issue ticket.

FastHub user reviews :

App might be okay, but creating a new file and editing it didn’t work well at all. UI was off, creating a file from within a directory didn’t work, and the file editor would start prepopulated with JSON.

I wish it cached a bit more data, and showed collaborators, not just contributors. Aside from that though, the app is very nice with a logical, smooth interface. The code view has nice syntax highlighting. Significantly better than the official app.

Generally a great app that feels intuitive and I personally seldom have many issues with. For me and many others there’s just one breaking issue: wiki pages don’t load. Unfortunately this does lead me to not use this app as often as I otherwise would. It’s also been an issue for (several?) months, which irks me a bit, considering I paid for the app. However, the developer seems passionate about his product and seems to genuinely care about its users. I imagine they have a life on the side too.
  • Fast Access
  • Hi Thierry, thanks for ur feedback, working very hard on releasing v5 which fixes trending and wiki and new UI & source code. Please be patient and promise once v5 is finalized you’ll love it!

You know you’ve made it when your app is better than the official one. This is THE ONLY github app you need. Does everything (that I need at least). Love the multiple theme selections. Sometimes I do get a error message when trying to star a repo, but it goes away too fast to read it. I know it mentions something about a lot, but I haven’t found it yet. Bottom line: the app is worth it. The paid versions are worth it. You’ll be happy with it , promise.

I like this app in every way except that its support for enterprise accounts is iffy. It’s the only one of the git apps that I can find that supports them at all, but it has two big problems: 1. I have to enter my username and password, and the address of the server, every time, and then it separately asks for two-factor authentication. 2. It forgets my login session easily. I have repeatedly tried to comment on a PR that it opens just fine and been told that I’m signed out.

Contact developer :


App was removed from Play Store

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