Filmic First­light – Makes live pho­tog­ra­phy fun and cre­ative

[App] Filmic First­light – Photo

Filmic First­lightFilmic First­light is a rev­o­lu­tion­ary pho­to cam­era from the mak­ers of the class lead­ing Filmic Pro cine­ma video cam­era that makes live pho­tog­ra­phy fun and cre­ative.

Re­dis­cov­er the joy of cap­tur­ing life’s mo­ments in pho­tographs you will im­me­di­ate­ly trea­sure and want to share.

First­light com­bines cus­tom film sim­u­la­tions, adap­tive film grain and Filmic Pro’s fa­mous live an­a­lyt­ics to of­fer an ad­vanced but ap­proach­able front end cam­era ex­pe­ri­ence like no oth­er.

Fast, easy and in­tu­itive, First­light lets you en­vi­sion and cap­ture your best mo­ments in cam­era, with­out hav­ing to spend hours edit­ing your pho­tos lat­er. Shoot and share, it’s that easy.


Fast, in­tu­itive fo­cus and ex­po­sure con­trols: Tap the screen to set fo­cus/ex­po­sure, tap again to lock
AE Mode: In­clud­ed is our pro­pri­etary Auto Ex­po­sure mode for set­ting shut­ter/iso com­bi­na­tion
Cross-swipe man­u­al con­trols: The most in­tu­itive way to man­u­al­ly ad­just fo­cus and ex­po­sure. Swipe across the im­age to dial in your per­fect shot. Swipe up and down to ad­just ex­po­sure. Swipe left and right to ad­just fo­cus.
Re­ac­tive an­a­lyt­ics: A foun­da­tion fea­ture of Filmic Pro and now in a pho­to app. Man­u­al­ly ad­just­ing your fo­cus and ex­po­sure will au­to­mat­i­cal­ly ap­ply fo­cus peak­ing or ze­bra stripes to make sure you get your shot just right.
RGB His­togram: Dy­nam­i­cal­ly shows the ex­po­sure pro­file of the im­age across all col­or chan­nels.


Vin­tage film sim­u­la­tions: The magic of First­light is in our re­al­is­tic trib­utes to au­then­tic film stocks. A range of film sim­u­la­tions are in­clud­ed for free with the app.
Film grain: Ap­ply nat­ur­al look­ing film grain ef­fects to give your pho­tos that ‘film look’. Medi­um grain is in­clud­ed as a free op­tion.
Vi­gnette: Ap­ply a sub­tle dark vi­gnette to your im­age. Medi­um vi­gnette is in­clud­ed as a free op­tion.
Lens se­lec­tor: Quick­ly switch be­tween all avail­able lens­es on your de­vice. (Note: camera/lens support is device specific).


Burst mode
Grid over­lays
As­pect ra­tios: 4:3, 16:9, 3:2, 1:1, 5:4
JPG or HEIC Se­lec­tion
HDR con­trol (on supported devices only)
Vol­ume but­ton shut­ter and sup­port for most blue­tooth cam­era shut­ter re­motes
Filmic Pro quick launch but­ton (for own­ers of Filmic Pro)

FIRST­LIGHT PRE­MI­UM (with in-app purchase)

Up­grade to un­lock the full po­ten­tial of First­light with the fol­low­ing ca­pa­bil­i­ties:
Shut­ter and ISO pri­or­i­ty modes: In ad­di­tion to AE you can set spe­cif­ic Shut­ter Speed or ISO val­ues to ad­here to and let the app au­to­mat­i­cal­ly ad­just ex­po­sure for the un­locked val­ue.
Ex­pand­ed film sim­u­la­tion op­tions: More re­al­is­tic film sim­u­la­tions and more to be added in the fu­ture for paid sub­scribers.
Film grain: Fine, coarse and ISO adap­tive op­tions in ad­di­tion to medi­um
Ad­justable vi­gnette: Low and heavy op­tions in ad­di­tion to medi­um.
Con­fig­urable burst mode
Anamor­phic adapter sup­port
RAW: DNG and TIFF for­mats
Cus­tom Func­tion but­ton
Cus­tom live an­a­lyt­ics
Con­fig­urable Fo­cus and Ex­po­sure con­trols
Embedded copyright

Filmic First­light user reviews :

The app is slow. Very slow. It takes time between shots for the shutter button to be usable, also I can’t instantly see if I did a good job. It’s either that I see the previous shot in the gallery, or I just wait long enough for the pricture to be ready to be seen. All in all, this app needs TONS of optimization. I’m on a Redmi Note 8 Pro, by the way. It has no issues taking pictures in a snap both with the built-in app and other 3rd party apps (even with filters on), only with Firstlight.

  • Dear Levente, thank you for your honest review! Could you please contact us via with further details so that our support team could look at your request closer. Thank you for your review and have a nice day!

Absolutely no medium to low light performance. I’m really confused by this app. Filmic Pro is great and I bought the pro version of this. I love the interface and features. But it literally cannot take a non blurry image in medium light. No matter how absolutely dead still I hold it. I’m on a brand new Pixel 6. It takes amazing photos in the native camera app in the exact same lighting. Not talking about night mode stuff. Just sitting in my living room with four lamps on and a TV. Blurry.

I got this because Pixel 6 Pro had no manual focus and I use that often but I’m having the same problem other Pixel 6 Pro users are having. Telephoto pictures don’t match what the screen sees. I.e. a moon shot that fills the screen shows nothing but dark skies in the picture. Seems to be off by about 20 degrees. If this is ever fixed, definitely a 5 star app because everything else about this camera app is almost perfect.

Before the update it work great, then after the update the picture quality went down. There’s also a stutter making my picture have a blur/motion look, making them look fuzzy. If I use any other lenz (wide/tele) I am not joking it’ll take my picture force left (if that makes sense) really needs to be fix, I really enjoy this app but can’t use it anymore

I really like the interface, the focus and exposure gestures give you easy control. I also enjoy the film simulations, with grain and vignette options that you can apply before you take the shot. The main improvement I’d like to see is support for optical zoom. I got a Samsung galaxy s21 ultra specifically for the optical zoom, but this app appears to only use digital zoom. The native Samsung camera app is still far superior in this regard.

  • Hello Amy! We´ll take note of your request. Thank you for your review and have a nice day!

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