Fish Farm 2

[Game] Fish Farm 2


Fish Farm 2Fish Farm 2 : After the huge success of Fish Farm, you can now experience even more: most realistic fish movements ever, crossbreed your fish, play with your fish, interact with your friends, etc.

With dozens exotic 3D fish along with various decorations at your fingertips, your possibilities are limitless.
Buy, breed, and sell exotic freshwater or saltwater fish. Reaching higher levels in FishFarm 2 earns coins and access to more fish, backgrounds, and aquarium decorations.
Feed your vibrantly-colored fish, play with them – even annoy them by tapping on the glass!
With FishFarm 2, everything from the species of fish to the undersea home is yours to create!

Fish Farm 2 Features:
215 species of brilliantly-colored, realistic 3D fish
Most realistic movements ever
Crossbreed your fish for unlimited variations
Customize up to 20 aquariums with lots of decorative items and corals
Saltwater or freshwater aquariums
Send and receive gifts from your friends
Acquire Skills and make Fish Farm 2 easier to play
Play with your fish to earn additional coins
Zoom into your tanks
Collect fish to earn rewards
Even play Fish Farm 2 offline

Fish Farm 2 user reviews :

Great game, only thing would like to see different is a sell all button, would help with time management. I also think the levels are pretty quick. By the time you maintain your tanks seems like you level twice. Maybe make more collectibles as achievements to add some challenge.
  • BitBros Inc. January 17, 2015
  • You can use the settings to avoid closing the edit fish popup when selling. This speeds up things quite a bit.

Totally obsessed! Would have liked a bit more variety of fish on the first few levels but otherwise I can not think of another helpful comment! Excellent game for fish lovers

I find it frustrating that when I breed a fish for a collection its not always recognized. It takes a long time to get just the right fish. Otherwise, I enjoy this app very much.

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