[App] FreeFlight Mini
Get FreeFlight Mini, the free app to pilot Parrot Minidrones
FreeFlight Mini’s easy-to-use interface makes piloting simple, even for beginner pilots.
The app connects to your Minidrone via Bluetooth Low Energy. Once connected, select your preferred piloting method and take-off. You can pilot using virtual joysticks in Joypad mode (default setting), or by tilting your smartphone/tablet in the direction you want your drone to go in Accelerometer mode.
The FreeFlight Mini App automatically detects which Parrot Minidrone you are using.
Simply turn on your drone, activate Bluetooth on your smartphone/tablet and open the application. Select your drone from the list that appears on the screen. Your drone will then connect and you are ready for take-off!
List of drones compatible with this application: Parrot Mambo, Parrot Swing, Parrot Minidrones Airborne Night and Cargo, Hydrofoil*, and Rolling Spider.
*For Hydrofoil: place the Airborne Minidrone into the Hydrofoil structure, select Hydrofoil mode in settings, and start sailing across the water.
If you’re using Parrot Swing or Parrot Mambo, FreeFlight Mini comes equipped with some new features. When piloting Mambo, the application automatically detects when an accessory is connected. Activate your accessory instantly by touching the icon located in the center of the screen.
Watch Parrot Swing take-off vertically in quad mode. With the single swipe of your finger on the screen, it will switch from quad mode to plane mode.
From the home screen of the FreeFlight Mini app, you can easily access your settings for piloting, photos, and the “Parrot Cloud.” You can also customize flight parameters, including: altitude, speed and piloting mode (accelerometer, joypad). FreeFlight Mini app also includes fun features like one-touch flip:
Experience loops, barrel rolls, and high speed 180-degree turns with Parrot Swing
Front/back/side flips with Parrot Mambo, Airborne Minidrones, Rolling Spider and Hydrofoil*
Only when it’s removed from the Hydrofoil structure and in flight mode
Parrot Minidrones are ultra-compact drones with impressive agility. They can fly both indoors and outdoors with great speed and stability.
All Parrot Minidrones can take dronies of you and your friends. You can also store images from your drone races taken by Parrot Swing in plane mode.
The new Parrot Flypad allows you to pilot your Minidrone with extra-precision and control.
There are two ways to connect the controller to the Minidrone:
Automatically and directly, without the use of a smartphone. This mode offers an increased flight range of up to 200 feet
Through your smartphone or tablet. This connection mode allows you to monitor your flight status on your device’s screen, and simultaneously pilot the Minidrone using the controller
You can customize your Flypad controls to suit your piloting preferences through the use of the FreeFlight Mini app. Turn on your Parrot Flypad and select it in the “controller” section of the app. From there, you can modify the button mapping and check battery life. When you start piloting, enjoy the optimized display of flight information (flight time and drone battery percentage) on your smartphone.
*To pilot Parrot Minidrone Jumping Night, Race, or Sumo, you need to download the FreeFlight Jumping app.
FreeFlight Mini user reviews :
LOVE IT Thank you sooo much parrot for making this app. Freeflight 3was so frustrating to use and now THIS!!!!! Its so smooth and the controls respond sooo well. You just got me into my rolling spider again!!!!
Please add the emergency landing feature again so my drone wont brake from landing glitches.
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