[App] The Guardian US
The Guardian US : Get the whole picture the whole time with the free Guardian app.
Specially crafted for tablets and phones, this app brings you breaking news and full access to the Guardian’s award-winning content. Tailor your home screen with the sections that matter most to you, follow your favourite writers and stories for personal alerts, keep reading when you’re offline, and save content for as long as you like.
Stay up to date with live news and sport
Enjoy the full range of Guardian content, beautifully designed for Android tablets and phones
Read offline
Make it yours by choosing the sections and topics that appear on your home screen
Stay informed with breaking news alerts
Follow your favourite stories, series, writers and football teams for personal notifications
Browse award-winning audio, video and interactive content, as well as full-screen galleries – with stunning high-resolution images
Save any content you want to keep
Read comments on articles and share your own thoughts
Search by keyword, topic, series, section, or contributor
Upgrade to the premium tier for our crosswords, specially curated content, extracts from Guardian Books, and an advert-free experience
Please note: this app is totally free to use. If you choose to upgrade to the premium tier – £2.49 or local equivalent – your payment can be taken immediately and is processed by Google Play.
Location: users can choose to include their location when contributing to our stories via GuardianWitness. As such, we request the ‘Precise location’ app permission. Including this is optional when contributing.
Terms of use
All content in the Guardian app is copyright Guardian News & Media 2016. All rights reserved. Terms of use and privacy policy apply when accessing content via the Guardian app.
Privacy policy: https://www.theguardian.com/help/privacy-policy
Terms and conditions: https://www.theguardian.com/help/terms-of-service
The Guardian US user reviews :
It’s a good paper so I like the content. I do wish the homepage was more customizable. I don’t need a whole section of the latest “issue/event” shoved into view above the headlines. I care more about the actual news than the Olympics for example. I think readability would be improved with tabs, but i know that isn’t the “in” thing at the moment. Overall it’s a good app.
Mostly good journalism, OK app Not sure why the app pushes so many Olympics alerts and assumes that since I’m in the USA, I must really care a lot (and only) about US medals. Political coverage is excellent. Good writers. Interesting opinion pieces.
Priceless content, trusted news, good journalism But I’ve been forced to cancel my subscription and uninstall the app because the notifications (the barrage of cards, constant unwanted updates on the Olympics and other new stories) were driving me crazy. I’ll still buy the paper from time. I recommend this app to anyone who believes in quality journalism.
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