KeyForge Master Vault – The world of the Crucible awaits

[App] KeyForge Master Vault

KeyForge Master Vault : The world of the Crucible awaits!

KeyForge: Master Vault is the essential companion app for the world’s first Unique Deck Game from Fantasy Flight Games! Use the app to scan your deck’s QR code or enter its 15 character code (both found on the back of your deck’s Archon card). Any deck you enter will be assigned to your account so you can view its contents and follow its performance in Organized Play.

The searchable database of Archon decks will grow as more decks are discovered and registered by players. Gain Æmbershards for discovering decks for the first time or register your friend’s previously discovered decks to follow them!

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KeyForge Master Vault user reviews :

Ok first off for everyone not understanding what this is for. This app will be used for organized play to track your opponents. If they have chains and your own wins and losses. The ember shards you collect are right now for only buying decks. If you read the website youll see that there are alot more functions comiing as they get into their competitive season. The game is great and this is a must to play tournements.

Now that I’ve tried actually using this app, I have to ask, “What is the point?” I would think at a minimum, it would be a convenient way to browse your decks, but no: it’s actually more convenient to look at a physical deck holding in your hands. For example, in order to look at the cards in your deck, you must first choose a house, and the app shows a deck list in text with the cards in that house. Then to see the image of specific card, you tap the card name, but to see a different card, you must first close the image, then open another image. You cannot merely swipe left or right to see the cards in your deck, let alone sort by card type, or power, or aember gained. The very FIRST phase of the System Development Life Cycle is Determine User Requirements. This appears to have been skipped, and gone straight to design (and a poor one at that). This program offers almost no utility, and its poor user interface makes that little utility difficult to use. If this initial design is any indication, the fan base will do a much better job developing Ketforge support applications than whoever is currently drawing a salary.

Excellent app right off the bat, but a few features missing that are keeping me from 5 stars: – Adding and viewing friends – Including the Rulebook and FAQ I’d like to see: – casual game stat tracking – decks registered in local area – commenting on deck list

You might want to find out why this app doesn’t show up if you search keyforge or key forge. It only shows up if you search keyforge Master vault.

Decent enough as a start but can we please get a link to the rules reference and FAQs? Also more ways to sort your decks and cards would be nice too (quickly see the ratio of artifacts to creatures)

I will happily increase to 5 stars if the crashes are fixed. it happens whenever I try to look at a deck it then crashes.

So far, very clean simple library. Can’t wait for this game to kick off! I second the idea of throwing in a full rulebook in the app and maybe a glossary of terms used in the game. Maybe reward system for decks with high wins? Keep up the great work!

Great so far! Adding the expanded rulebook into the app would be great.

Excellent companion. A mobile friendly rules reference would make this even better.

Good start. Registers decks and lets you view them. That’s all I need for the moment. It’s going to need more features in the long term if this game gets going.

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