LifeAfter – How much longer can you survive

[Game] LifeAfter

  A blizzard of devastating virus beleaguered the world, bringing about the catastrophic disintegration of orders and covenants.

When the night falls, the world turned into a living hell, swarming with Infecteds. When you finally caught a break, and discovered a place to rest your sore feet, you found yourself exhausted, famished, low on ammo and plagued by the coldness of night. You can hear the growling of Infecteds, approaching, and you know it’s going to be another night of angst and horror. How much longer can YOU survive?

LifeAfter, a mobile game depicting the survival of humanity in a post virus apocalyptic world, is officially launched.
Live on, together.
Keep your will to survive and hopes alive.
The world you once knew so well is now a foreign place in the wave of a virus epidemic. The life of survivors is constantly being threatened by diseases, famine, cold, Infecteds and organizations with hidden agendas. You’ll have to stay calm amid all these dangers and believe there is a way out.

Live on with anything available.
Explore every inch of the post-apocalyptic world – be it in the city full of Infecteds, or an abandoned mine, or a broken-down college, or a freezing cold forest up in the highlands – to scavenge essential materials in order to survive. You’ll need to know how to hunt and gather for food, how to tend to your wounds and make arms to protect yourself.

Encounter other survivors.
You might encounter other survivors on your scavenging runs. You’ll have to be extra careful, for they might attack you for loot. If they are amiable, you can choose to share with them your food, ammo and adventure stories.

Build the final sanctuary for humanity.
With the trusted friends you made along the way, you can find a place to camp and build, one brick at a time, until you have the final sanctuary for humanity. Together, around the campfire, humans may once again fend off the long, cold night with hugs.

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LifeAfter user reviews :

I am Rating this to the fulless. 5 star is not enought for this kind of game now that it has english version after The Outlived. This is game is mixed with pubg and 7 days to die with the graphics of RUST from PC Hardcore games. Now that there is the same like this games here for Mobile games I want to tell you guys you did the GREATEST JOB of them ALL. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR HARCORE PLAYERS!!!!!! LONG LIVE WANTED CLAN

Thank you! Been patiently waiting for English version to drop before I downloaded and Man was it worth it!….. I’ve only played for a few hours and damn the developers Really put alot of work into this game. Hope101 is groundbreaking for a mobile game! For mobile you would just expect a menu style interface for trades and buying stuff. Cant think af any other game like. Be prepared to spend countless here! Great Work Devs!

This game is truly enjoyable especially after the eng. version has come out! I have been looking for a game like this for a long time so I was definitely excited the moment it was released. I also love how you could play the tutorial with a friend, it definitely makes the story much more interesting and fun. I just hope the devs don’t add too much stuff that would make the game laggy, because the game currently runs smoothly on my tablet even with low ram.

HANDS DOWN best made mobile game I have ever played. The amount of variation in gameplay, terrain, etc. is phenomenal. If this game doesn’t blow up, I don’t know what will. Fantastic graphics, multiplayer, combat, crafting, farming, so much. Zombie defense + ark like resource gathering and building, unique combat in both pve, and pvp. Boss battles, you name it. Fishing, hunting, exploration, quest line. Easy to follow tutorials. All and All fantastic game, great job netease, big fan. #ROSGang

Latest Update :

LifeAfter is a multiplayer online game with elements of open world and doomsday survival.
To survive becomes the only goal. You need to scavenge resources, craft tools, and build shelter. Now comes new crisis—zombie swarms and new Infected. The doomsday world is out of control.
How long can you survive in this zombie roaring night?

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