Logis Tycoon Evolution – Become an owner of a world class distribution company

[Game] Logis Tycoon Evolution

Logis Tycoon EvolutionLogis Tycoon Evolution : Become an owner of a world class distribution company by delivering freight quickly and accurately to cities requesting freight delivery all over the world.

The more experience you accumulate, the more diverse requests you will be able to execute. You can use trucks and airplanes to transport freight over longer distances and more diverse locations.

1. Obtain coins using a basic freight delivery system!
Collect all freight in distribution centers.
Distribute collected freight to destinations.
Conveniently collect and deliver freight simultaneously.

2. Establish multiple bases by building distribution centers and airports!
Opened cities can be set as distribution centers.
Upgrade distribution centers to airports.
Distribution centers act as stepping stones to long distance destinations.
For long distance delivery that cannot reach a destination in one move, freight can be moved between distribution centers.

3. Upgrade your distribution center!
Up to five vehicles can be dispatched to a distribution center.
Up to three hangars can be built at an airport.
Freight capacity of distribution centers (airports) can be expanded up to 130 tons.
If you upgrade a distribution center to maximum capacity, you can earn coins faster.

4. Upgrade your trucks and planes!
All trucks and airplanes can upgrade speed, volume, and fuel tanks.
Depending on characteristics, each truck and airplane can be upgraded to different levels.

Logis Tycoon Evolution user reviews :

Great game if you like tycoon like games. No need to pay money unless you want to move it along faster. This game can have a slow start, but it will pick up. I love this version more than the first. I like the changes a great deal. I would say I would like to be able to double click a distribution center and. Have it switch to that distribution center or something a little easier. Thanks for the new version. I’m having fun!

Lots of fun The grind is a little slow, especially starting airports. Also not really fair that you pay 1000 to open a box and get less than 10 if you want to sell the part. Also it’s probably a bug that if you try to deliver to a city with a DC and it doesn’t have space for the goods it pops up the upgrade question for the DC you are shipping from. Really you should be able to deliver to a city with a DC with out checking capacity.
After playing both this and the previous game, I can see how the developer has listened to criticism of the earlier game and improved it. You have to applaud that. I do sort of miss the old random upgrade system, even tho this one is actually fairer. And I think I preferred the old graphical style more. But overall, much better game than before. Really like it.
A good game, but some improvements need to be implemented. I saw this suggestion in a couple of reviews already: It would be better if you could drop off and take on load on the way, just as you would in real life. One other bug that angers me behond no words is when you move cargo to another distribution center, the cargo you deliver from center A to center B is only usable when the truck gets back in A! The cargo should be usable the second that the truck dropped it off at B, without having to wait for it to arrive back at A. That makes no sense. Solve these bugs and get a well deserved 5 star rating from me. (It does is true that the game builds up very very slow, but that’s the way they earn money (by having inpatient people buy coins) so yeah, I can easily look past that)

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