
[App] MapSwipe

MapSwipeMapSwipe : Humanitarian organizations can’t help people if they can’t find them.

MapSwipe is a mobile app that lets you search satellite imagery to help put the world’s most vulnerable people on the map.

In MapSwipe, developed in collaboration with the Missing Maps project, users choose a crisis prone part of the world they want to help, such as spotting villages at risk from a cholera outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They must then swipe through satellite images of the region, tapping the screen when they see features they’re looking for including settlements, roads and rivers.
This information is fed back to mappers who need this information to build detailed and useful maps. At present, they have to spend days scrolling through thousands of images of uninhabited forest or scrubland looking for communities that need mapping. Now, members of the public can directly contribute to MSF’s medical activities by locating people in need more quickly so mappers, and ultimately medical professionals on the ground, can get straight to work.

MapSwipe user reviews :

Great! After attending a community missing Maps event, I immediately downloaded this as soon as i saw it in your blog. It is great and gives you a sense of purpose that you’re helping. Problem is (despite the recent updated) I am continuing to get the same photos after clicking map further.

Nice idea, stopped loading I did a few sheets of maps a day or so back, but last night and this morning i have not been able to load or sync completed maps. Did the same set 4 times last night but would not sync back to your server, very frustrating…….If not fixed soon i will uninstall.
  • Missing Maps July 19, 2016
  • We’re on it!

Love the idea but would it be possible to include a brief tutorial to train inexperienced mappers like me to accurately recognize houses and roads

Thank you for this great app

Good Initiative. It would be nice if there is tutorial on how to find houses and roads. When the data which I am analysing has high impotance, i dont want to make any mistakes

Let’s start helping Our humanitarian aspect require us to help those in need. If the help is this simple, none should ignore it.
  • Missing Maps July 17, 2016
  • Thank you so much!

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