Marine Force – The world is a dangerous place

[Game] Marine Force – Heroes of War

You are in control of your own Marine Force and the world needs your help in a war that is waging against the evil S.P.I.D.E.R. network.

From your base, send off your heroic marine force and find the right strategy to defeat the S.P.I.D.E.R. troops, weaponry and ultimately the big, bad boss. It’s a game of heroic strategy, where you unlock your military abilities, strategic planning to defeat S.P.I.D.E.R., earn rewards and save the world!

Your Marine Force knows that in order to win with their war heroes, they need a good base from which to launch their strategy missions against the S.P.I.D.E.R. network. Once your base is built, you can control your troops with the very best strategy and target the enemy. Tap and choose where your troops go. Change your mind and your troops can move in a different direction. Use your best strategic brain to surround the enemy to reduce their power and destroy them. It’s going to take brains and brawn to beat S.P.I.D.E.R.

The world is a dangerous place and with the S.P.I.D.E.R. global network of evil baddies looking to cause untold misery and damage across the world, you need to help us defend the people of earth. S.P.I.D.E.R have their tentacles in so many different areas, so you’re going to need to fight with your heroes of war across different environments – from the swamp-filled jungle to the arid desert to the freezing Arctic wasteland. Each area has multiple battles and then a final big raging battle against the Boss to win the War. It will take patience, bravery and your finest Marine Force to win the war. Are you ready to take up arms?!

Your enemy is well-equipped. They got troops galore, patrols and guard towers. They’ve got pill boxes, mines, artillery, heavily-armored gunners and snipers. Plus tanks and drones. The question is, can your heroes of war, your Marine Force, can they work out how to defeat S.P.I.D.E.R. and all these military capabilities. You’ve got your own special abilities, so it’s all possible, but you’re going to need to outthink them on the battlefield.

At the end of every island is a Boss and they are the hardest to defeat. You’re going to really need to strain your brain to work out how to unleash your finest military strategies with your Marine Force to beat the boss. If you do, the world is one step closer to being a safer place, away from the evil clutches of the S.P.I.D.E.R. network.

War is tough and even with your well-trained Marine Force, you’re going to need more than just troops to win these battles to win the war with your marine heroes. You’re going to need Special Abilities that will give you that extra force and strength needed to take out the enemy and win the war. These special abilities include devastating bombing runs, flying in paratroopers, medical supply drops and awesome missile strikes. Plus you’ve got mini tanks, attack helicopters, grenades and RPGs. It’s all there! With these abilities and your top war heroes, victory should be in sight!

You’ll be able to unlock new abilities and features in chests you’ll find. Plus you get permanent upgrades in Global Research.

If you don’t train the troops, they’re not going to be ready to be heroes of war! And so you’ve got to unlock and upgrade all the various different training areas. These include the shooting range, the armory, the mess truck, the gym, hand-to-hand combat, military intelligence and explosives training. By the time you’ve finished training, you will be ready for battle with your Marine Force. Onwards brave soldier!

We all learn in life and the world of war is no different. So if you’ve completed a battle, but you think you can do better, we’ll let you replay to find the best strategy for defeating S.P.I.D.E.R. and getting the best out of your troops and abilities.

Marine Force user reviews :

Nice game overall. Unfortunately I’ve come to the end of free play. Without replaying levels I’ve already completed. After completing all the islands and moving on to Spiders base. I can only repeat those as well. When I sent my character and the demo spec. to save the demo tech. The game no longer made much sence. I hope you develop more levels.

As the first to leave a review. Let me leave a honest one. THERE ARE NO FORCED ADS. You basically watch what you want in order to progress as fast as you want and there is basically no ptp. Thank you for that. The levels of intensity increased at a good rate and the graphics are solid, keep up the good work.

Could have been a great game. Graphics and gameplay superb.smooth controls. Except its over heating my phone . I got some games that are bigger in size than this game but I never experienced any overheating on my device. my phone has a lot of space and is meant for gaming. Optimizing my phone and doing clear cache does not help resolve the overheating issue. Please fix this devs.

Good game fun way to pass the time. But upon exiting the game on a few island levels the chests I had found disappeared from the star checklist preventing me from getting stars and medals. Gun sound or helicopter sound glitch after exiting spec ops continues to island screen.

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