miniHABITS – Effectively create and manage your habits

[App] miniHABITS – Habit, Goal, Todo

  With the miniHABITS app, you can train yourself to learn habits as portrayed in Mini Habits Strategy.

Mini Habits strategy have been designed to fit the fast and hectic lifestyle that many live today. Rather than to have a big dream, it advocates that daily mini habits will drastically change one’s life.

With the miniHABITs app, you can effectively create and manage your habits.

An eye opening example

GOAL: type a full A4 SIZED page daily.
RESULTS: In 1 year, you have 365 pages, the rough equivalent of 3.5 fiction novels.

Main Functions

Weekly habit management: It is most effective to track your habits weekly. If you have failed at maintaining a certain habit, it is recommended that you lower the goals slightly and try again.
Note Input: please add necessary notes to help you remember this habit.
Bonus Reps: It’s good to have your goals set in a system so it is easier to record/manage. Instead of draining yourself to a goal that seems so far, try to hit and surpass the smaller goals. Please have the targeted goal(1) at a reasonable number and see how much you have exceeded.
Alarm Feature: It will remind you of the habits that have not been completed today. And you can register reminders that you want.
Easy habit management through the WIDGET
Back-up feature: Data restoration and back up using Google Drive.
Own your data : Easily export your data in CSV format.

If you have any questions or concerns please email us at foryou[at], we will respond within 24 hours. We promise to manage and run this app with integrity and passion.

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miniHABITS user reviews :

i love that it gives me the option of aiming for the bare minimum so i don’t get discouraged, but also lets me track the bonus extras I inevitably do once i get started! exactly like in stephen guise’s book. one suggestion i’d make is to update the app according to his new book, elastic habits, where you can choose between a range of activities/habits in 1 category, to prevent boredom. i would also gladly pay for more customisation, like adding my own photo BG for each habit. overall its great!
  • JayStory
  • 좋은 리뷰 감사해요! 매일 실천할 수 있는 아주 작은 습관을 트레킹하는 목적의 미니해빗 앱의 기획의도를 잘 지키는 선에서 사용자분들이 주신 의견을 귀담아 듣고 지속적으로 발전해나가는 앱이 되도록 계속 노력겠습니당~!
The app is pretty good compared to the others with a few things that need to be polished up. Like the inability to charge the bonus rep history beyond a few days. Other than that it’s worth the low price.
  • JayStory
  • Thanks for using this app!
Is a great app but it just show you the amount of days you’ve been tracking the habit not the streaks you have accomplished, it would be very nice if the streaks are added.
  • JayStory
  • 좋은 의견 감사합니다 :) 매일 실천할 수 있는 아주 작은 습관을 트레킹하는 목적의 미니해빗 앱의 기획의도를 잘 지키는 선에서 사용자분들이 주신 의견을 귀담아 듣고 지속적으로 발전해나가는 앱이 되도록 더 노력할게요!
Pretty weird UI. Bought for widget which turned out to be huge with a lot of wasted white space, but wouldn’t let me reduce its size.
  • JayStory
  • We will do our best to make the app more developed based on the suggestions given by users.
So far so good. Had to review to get additional colors (seasons) just getting used to the app. I’ll update if I stick with it or not
  • JayStory
  • You can use seasons color.
awesome little app. It’s worth downloading the course on Udemy, to underst a nd the theory first.
  • JayStory
  • Wow!! Thanks for the review on the our app
So far so Good, a good way to track my mini Habits.
  • JayStory
  • Wow!! Thanks for the review on the our app
Would be good to be able change date display to dd/mm/yy
  • JayStory
  • ok! I updated date format, you can use this next release. 1.9.0
Helpful for PT reminders
  • JayStory
  • Thanks for the review on the app
Excited about getting started!
  • JayStory
  • We encourage your life to grow every day
Amazing concept!
  • JayStory
  • Wow!! Thanks for the review on the our app
This is a great system to help you get on track. The app is good too. However, it does not sync across all devices. You can back up with the pro version. if you are trying it out, you may get frustrated with only 2 habits to start. But really this is just to figure it out. you can edit the habits. If this synced across all devices and the computer, i would give it five stars.
  • JayStory
  • I think so, all device syncing is very important and convenient feature. I have a plan to add this. Thanks for giving a great idea.

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