[App] My Piano Assistant
My Piano Assistant is a reference book of chords (with all inversions), scales and intervals. Given the name of an item and a root, the app shows the item formula, symbol (for chords and intervals), the sequence of notes and their positions on the piano keyboard. It also allows to listen to a selected item.
40 chords with all inversions
170 scales
30 intervals
user-defined chords, scales and intervals
item playback
quick search
clean and simple user interface
NOTE: My Piano Assistant is not a “virtual piano” application and it does not allow to play on the virtual keyboard. If you are looking for such kind of application this one won’t be of use to you.
If you have any questions, bug reports or ideas, feel free to contact me via email. Thank you!
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My Piano Assistant User reviews :
To be honest, I downloaded and I’m rating the App 5 star in less than 15 minutes. Its got all you need. Easy to understand at first glance (very user friendly interface). At first I got confused where to change the keys but with my finger touching the piano interface, the key changed. Can’t believe it’s free. It’s the best in its genre in my opinion. Thanks to this Developer
Easily the best piano app to learn chords not just Triads and sevenths, but dominant chords, 11th chords. This completely unselfish developer has made it possible with so many combinations that you will never be able to play all the cords that he makes available to you. The user-friendliness feel of this sets a new user experience, playing the scales of the cord & the cord itself after. Should be Editor’s Choice!
One of the best if not the best app on Google Play scales chords and intervals. Perfect for ear training. This app has to be one of the best in it’s genre.
Tried several other apps and just ran across this one. It is by far the best. Simple and to the point is exactly what chords and scales should be. Thank you
Easy to understand, though comprehensive and complete. Press the notes to change to the desired chords. Thank you for this app.
It’s just Amazing, simple to use and with a lot of references for both the advanced and beginner piano lessons.
It’s awesome, to the point and very comprehensive and informative scales dictionary. Love it, and Hats off to your efforts.
Wow! This is one of the best app I have ever came across with. I rated it 5 start less than 10 minutes coz I found something spectacular about the app. You too can try and you will see for yourself
Just tried the app and I must say I really have no idea how to use it… some sort of instructions would possibly have made the app more user-friendly? I’m not sure in what context this app would be useful, but it is not for learning piano as I thought.
Intuitive, easy to use, and loaded with essential information for anyone needing to check or learn scales.
Perfect for pianist of any level. Perfect for reference or learning scales or chords or anything piano. Truly great app!
Excellent guide alongside beggining piano lessons, all piano playing levels. I use it for song writing.
as a adult beginner trying to mush through piano theory and embed cord patterns and scales into my memory, this app is a perfect way to test myself while I am away from the piano.
I’ve been trying to find this app with last two phones I’ve had and just came across it! Please don’t change anything, everything is awesome….
Very useful indeed. Please include a few notes about how the chord is used in music.
Wonderful app. Every thing in good,but one thing When a raga is played, it is good if not only the ascending order but also the descending order is played
In fact this app has rely helped me and i recommend it to my fellow pianist it will teach you more keys .it is a very good app with no ads
Excellent. It’s really helpful, if you know what you want to acquire, and or self taught.
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