Notific – Displays your notification in an intuitive manner when you need it

[App] Notific

NotificNotific : Blacklist/Whitelist feature is available on Pro version only

Notific is a lockscreen notification app that displays your notification in an intuitive manner when you need it.
It will automatically turn the screen on and display your notification in one of the three themes along with quick action buttons if expansion is enabled. It is not designed to replace your stock lockscreen, but to complement it.

You can choose your own style from Three different themes, Jellybean HOLO, Android Wear inspired Material and Ambient Display inspired dark (AMOLED friendly) theme. (Some themes are available only on Android 4.4 and above due to system limitation on 4.3)

If the phone is in pocket, don’t worry. Notific is intelligent enough to understand that and will not turn on the screen. But if you take out the phone from your pocket within 10secs (customizable) it will turn on the screen for you.

Notific doesn’t impact battery life as it will only use the proximity sensor for 10 secs.
The memory usage is highly optimized (2-15MB) and doesn’t use 50MB+ as in other notification apps.

The multitude of notifications we get every day are probably the most sensitive information for some and these deserve the utmost privacy.
That’s why Notific comes with absolutely no private data mining. No crash data, No Google analytics.
It doesn’t require connecting to Internet, so you can be sure that there’s no way your information goes out of your device.

If you are worried about people seeing your notifications when they pop up, you can use privacy mode feature to keep your notification content safe from prying eyes on per app basis.

Some not so obvious features:
You can unlock directly by double tap on circular drag handle.
Drag and hold on the dismiss spot to dismiss all notifications

Proximity sensor values are calibrated for Nexus devices by default. If you have problems with the sensor on Galaxy or Xperia devices, try calibrating the sensor from Troubleshooting settings or Turn Off Pocket Mode

If you are having problems to uninstall, please click on “Uninstall” option in the menu when app is open.

Notific user reviews :

Just keeps getting better and better Love the new whatsapp reply functionality… Please expand it from being able to respond to one msg, to being able to respond to all msgs from one contact. And also port the functionality to FB messenger and hangouts.
  • Anand Bibek February 18, 2016
  • This is possible, but I’ve to test all these before release. Being an one man army, this takes a bit of time
Very effective and extremely light storage space. Super overall performance but every time I reboot my phone I have to re enable the notification access.
  • Anand Bibek February 20, 2016
  • Please make sure that your phone is not running any autorun blocker or cleaner app that is blocking the system autorun functionality
Very good Dear  I m glad to see/hear it i will change the rating to 5 star, but it sometime work and sometime not and accessibility gets off automatically. Plz help me if you can.  •••
  • Anand Bibek February 20, 2016
  • This app also lets you view the notification content on lockscreen. Which app’s notification are you seeing

Last Update November 27, 2016 :

 Bug fixes and small improvements.
 Add QuickReply and conversation mode support for DISA messenger.
 Add option to enable or disable Notific’s own reply button beside Whatsapp’s native reply. Option under “Reply Settings”
 Telegram notifications now support direct reply feature as in Whatsapp reply function.
 Add (most requested) ability to show up like lockscreen, even if no notifications.
Full changelog :
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