Notifyer Unread Count

[App] Notifyer Unread Count

Notifyer Unread CountNotifyer Unread Count : Now you can receive all your app notifications right on the app icons themselves, just like the iPhone.

Perfect for apps like Facebook, Whatsapp, Viber and any other apps receiving important notifications. New messages, missed calls, friendship requests and more are all displayed.

Notifyer works by using 1×1 homescreen widgets to replace regular app icons. Using widgets means they can update in real time showing your latest notifications. So after installing Notifyer, add Notifyer widgets to your homescreen and choose the apps that you want to have notification badges.

To move Notifyer widgets to the dock at the bottom of the screen you must be using a launcher which allows widgets to be placed in the dock (e.g. Nova Launcher)

Beta Testing
If you would like to try out the latest features then download the beta version of Notifyer by following the link. Send any feedback to

Special thanks to:
Murat Turan
Blu Gregorio
Ida Krokström
Everyone in the beta group

Notifyer Unread Count user reviews :

Works great for both Viber and Google hangouts. Simple to configure. Only problem I found is that it doesn’t autoclear correctly on Google hangout missed calls but this seems to be a glitch with Google hangouts. It could almost be considered a feature and is easy enough to manually clear those missed call notifications.

I can’t get it to work! On my Galaxy S7 Edge I’m running Nova as home screen, I turned on the notification from my accessibility settings, restarted my phone, still nothing! Uninstalling!

So far so good Facebook’s notification badge took a minute or two to get off after I checked it, but it works good nontheless

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