OpenArena – Based on Quake 3 Arena FPS

[Game] OpenArena

OpenArena  Multiplayer 3D shooter, based on Quake 3 Arena FPS.

Supports online matches and offline play with bots. Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and 10 other game modes are available.

Gamepad is required for Android TV.

Five touchscreen control modes available:
shoot button mode is similar to other mobile 3D shooters.
tap to shoot mode moves fire button under your finger, so you never miss it.
floating crosshair mode allows for faster aiming – drag crosshair across the screen to shoot, touch screen borders to look around.
shoot under finger mode shoots where you touch, but does not move crosshair from the center of the screen.
aim under finger mode is similar, but moves fire button under your finger instead of shooting immediately.

Swipe the screen to quickly rotate 180 degrees.
Double-tap joystick to jump.
Touch weapon icons at the top to select a weapon.
You can configure buttons layout by clicking Change device config button when the game starts, then selecting On-screen keyboard and Customize layout.
You can switch to first-person view in settings.
Voice chat is supported – switch Voice chat option to Shake and talk, and shake phone during game to send your voice to other players. Some servers may disallow voice chat.
You can enter console commands using button at upper-left, start command with / symbol.

Gyroscope aiming is supported (not all devices have gyroscope).
Gamepads with two analog sticks are supported (PS3, Xbox gamepads, SHIELD).
Google Cardboard VR is supported, you will need a gamepad to use it.
Mouse will not be supported, because it’s technically impossible on non-rooted Android, and because it gives an unfair advantage over other players.

Source code can be downloaded from

You can run your own dedicated server, using this package:
More info about running servers at

OpenArena user reviews :

The controls are confusing for beginners, on my phone the button doesn’t show for some things like shooting, jumping and zooming. Maybe make the screen more wide and fix the buttons for Nokia 5.3 and other devices that has this problem. But overall, this game is really fun, if you are a youtuber I recommend this game to you so this game becomes more popular and I don’t have to play alone.

The controls are absolutely dire, and clumsy.. Reconfiguring them is also not intuitive.. This just doesn’t lend itself to touch screen control. Sure, if you plug a keyboard or mouse into your mobile it’s great, but who seriously does that!?

Out of the box … No, but tweak the gyroscope settings and whatever else? In settings. it’s fun. if you have no gyroscope it’s probably not that fun. Other ppl review this app too critical, don’t seem to realize this is ID softwares quake 3 ported to Android

Good, and very addictive, but can you please fix the controls a bit? The look controls still get in effect for half a second when you swipe fast, and the jump button is in a very uncomfortable place. Also, the controls are a bit too small. Can you please fix these issues? If so, I’ll give 5 stars for controls. Also, add chromebook support as it crashes on my Dell Inspiron Chromebook 11.

Brings me back to the old days.. I love how it feels like a quake game.. The graphics are not as good yet but the game play is really on point.. I would help support this game if there was a payment option..I haven’t tried the VR setting in it yet. I’m sure it will be a nice experience.. Thank you for taking the time in making this game I will play it everyday..

The default mod of open arena runs smooth. When I add the quake 3 2020 mod from pc game , mouse lost control in my mobile, but it works well with keyboard. Thanks pelya for giving us very nice game, even better than pc mod.

so i started playing this a few weeks now on the pc and it was great. this mobile version is pretty great too but the thing is the jump button and the other buttons on the right side of my screen disappeared and i cant seem to edit the buttons to move them around. im on Oero os and have 1.4GHz snapdragon 425 quad core w/ 2GB ram. an update to fix this issue would be appreciated

Fun, but the controls are a bit finicky. You can’t move them around. Also, if you lift up your aiming finger but leave your movement finger touching the screen, and the touching finger is out of the joystick bounds, then you keep turning in the direction you were turning when your aiming finger was on the screen.

Quake clone! Great recreation and plays almost the same.. Jump sprinting is a thing, rocket boosts work but are difficult.. However no one seems to be playing currently leaving the servers with a few bots to play with.. This game definetly needs more exposure.. Though, id imagine if QuakeLive ever went mobile this game may become obsolete, its fun for now though

I have been waiting to try this…and I really love it when I have more time I’m gonna play it more but this is freaking awesome! I highly recommend this game if you like quake like stuff and the best part is it is compatible with game controllers..I have issues with my hands and stuff and the controller doesn’t make my hands hurt as bad. Keep up the great work on this game guys and girls and squirrels

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