Raspberry Mash – Reach the true ending

[Game] Raspberry Mash

An Action fantasy rogue-like game with gorgeous pixel art style!

Raspberry Mash is a challenging action shooter game about a young girl on a quest for revenge against the gods who have forsaken her.

Every choice you make in the game will affect the story..
Will you be able to reach the true ending?

Raspberry Mash user reviews :

One boss is unproportionally difficult compared to all the others. The grim reaper looking boss becomes a run ender every time it shows up in the higher difficulties. The absurd mob spam causes no way to maintain targeting on the boss, and because of its fast moving attack pattern, paired with you not being able to move/dodge while attacking…. it’s just not a fun battle. It kills motivation to play.

Pretty interesting game for what it is, however it’s impossible to get very far when the game crashes randomly. There needs to be a way to save progress as well because every time the game crashes, it sends me back to the beginning of the map with none of my exploration saved. So I literally have to start over every 5 minutes or so. And I have a brand new phone, so the issue isn’t on my end. Please fix this It seems to crash most often when I’m fighting. Thank you!

Honestly this game has a lot of potential. The major draw backs are the fact that you can’t attack while moving for some nonsensical reason, and the targeting is complete FUBAR. Instead of targeting the enemy that is in your face beating you senseless, it will target the guy at the opposite end of the dungeon that’s minding his business on his lunch break. Those two things make this game really aggravating to play. If that was fixed, would be a really fun game I’m sure.

Excellent game! Lots of replayability with new weapons to collect and use, with multiple difficulty levels to unlock. Final level was disappointing though, as there was no clear close to the storyline even after beating the final level on the hardest difficulty level, even though it was teased upon beating the first level. Deducting one star for an unfinished storyline.

This game is so good that I played all the mods. I love the art and how easy it is to understand the controls. I’ll say one problem I have is that sometimes that character would freeze, not enough to make it a problem, but they just freeze a random other than that this game is really good. Favorite part? It doesn’t spam you with ads, which is a rarely in for itself self.

Absolutely fun game to play, fun bosses and design all around. One thing, the combat system, in order to fight enemies you have to stand still, and that makes it difficult to dodge attacks and move while being able to do good damage against enemies or bosses, also it makes it feel like you’re just a spectator, while your character does the damage. Don’t get me wrong, great game in all, but not too easy to get into if you want to be more hands on with the combat area.

A little skeptical at first with the auto-aim gameplay, but after beating the 5th boss (it stops there until you do other stuff, which I have yet to do) on just my second run, I must admit, it was very fun and satisfying. I wish the gun aiming were a bit better and switched to closer targets easier though, especially during bosses, but that’s probably my biggest complaint. I will say that I quite like how the upgrades you buy can actually make a noticeable impact, and that they’re cheap enough.

The art style is wonderful. It manages to be colorful and eye-catching while also being dark and gritty. The weapon types are different enough that you’ll need to adjust your play style depending on what you find, which is great IMO. The perk system is fun and feels great. I’m not sure why there are so many complaints about controls. Yes, they’re different than the norm, but I found that interesting and mastered them quickly. This may honestly be the best mobile game I’ve ever played.

This a an amazing and unique rouglike game! Many complain about the auto-aim/auto-attack system but I like it because it means your positioning and distance matters more than how big your gun is. There are near endless combinations you can run. The 1st and 3rd difficulty are the hardest. I feel the mana Regen system is balanced as a normal full run takes around 40-50 minutes. Ads aren’t forced and there’s only 3 possible places for them. I wish each difficulty had variant enemies and attacks.

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