Rummy 45

[Game] Rummy 45

Rummy 45Rummy 45 is an online Romanian Traditional Rummy Game.

You can play anytime, with whom you want, when you want! Right now we have a total of more than 1.000.000 registered players in our network and growing!
The rules of the game are slight different from the original rummi kub game. For more information about the game rules you can access our site at

Rummy 45 Game rules:
The game starts with 106 rummy tiles. Every player has to form valid rummy tile formations (ex: 12-12-12 or 3-4-5).
Every tile from 1 to 9 equals 5 points and tiles from 10 to 1 equal 10 points. You need at least 45 points to place your tiles on the table and score.
After placing the cards down the Joker tiles give 50 points each and number 1 tiles give 25 points each.
When it’s your turn you need to draw a tile from where the arrow shows you or draw a tile from the row above.
At the end of your turn you need to place a tile for the next players over the row from above.
The game ends when you have only one tile on your board (called the closure tile).
Enjoy the game !

Rummy 45 user reviews :

Cool game Im just learning how to play. But fun so far

Great game Great but a bit glitchy

Top game i was lucking for a game like this and I found it 5 stars

Probabil unul dintre cele mai bune jocuri de rummy de pe android.

I have this game on my gameboard and my mom always wins but i sometimes win too

Super adevarat Super joc. Adevarata relaxare

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