Septica – the most popular card game from Romania

[Game] Septica

#1 card game from Android Play Store(Romania)

Septica is the most popular card game from Romania , it is simple, fun and addictive.It is perfect when you have to wait a few minutes, you can play it everywhere.

!!!! Important

If your native language is not English or Romanian and you help us review/adapt the string translations for you native language you will receive a special swarm achievement which will remove all ads (and you will also be mentioned in our future Thanks section).

This medal can also be obtained if you help us improve the application by Sending your constructive feedback from the suggestion section of the app.

The rules are simple and straight foreword and you will compete with your Android phone, a very challenging AI, you will have to be very careful on how you play or you will most likely lose.

Sedma and Şeptică are Czech and Romanian for seven and little seven, respectively (referring to the wild cards), and zsírozás or zsír is Hungarian for to fatten (referring to the play of aces or tens into tricks). This game may have originated in Hungary or Poland and found its way to Czechoslovakia in the middle of the 20th century or it may have come from Russia It quickly became one of the most popular games in the country.

Septica user reviews :

Ce aiurea că după nici 10 jocuri sa tii se impună sa vezi un video pt încă 3 jocuri sau sa cumperi aplicația. Doar o stea pentru asta

After the last update totally destroyed the app. Small fonts, terrible cards layout, mandatory & randomly view of commercials when online. Uninstall and one star.

S-a rezolvat problema cu dezinstalarea; Ce este inca o problema: daca ma opresc in timpul jocului cateva secunde si se blocheaza ecranul, jocul se anuleaza si incepe unul nou; de fapt de fiecare data daca apas exit de la butonul telefonului (S2 Galaxy) jocul se restarteaza fara niciun un mesaj de atentionare.

  • Salut, poti sa incerci ultima versiune si sa ne dai mai multe detalii in caz ca problema se reproduce in continuare?

Great improvement. Some games are still suspect… The opponent answers with the exact cards I have, but it’s way better than before.

  • Poti incerca ultima versiune?

The font in the menu screen is hard to read. Some of the numbers in the statistics seem like they’re cut or too narrow. The statistics in the menu screen are not updated all the time after playing a game, but rather after reentering the app. When pressing back in the menu screen I’m taken to a screen that asks me if I want to download more apps. If I press home while in that screen when I reenter the app I’m in the same screen and have to exit the app and start it again in order to play a new game.

Jocul e bun. Ar fi si mai bine daca ar functiona si modalitatea multiplayer

Simpla aplicatia si buna si omul face updates regulat

Playing over and over again. Love SEPTICA!

Felicitari !!! Am ce face la serviciu cand am de asteptat. DA provoaca dependenta . Astept si ” macaua”

Progresul nu se salvează. Nu îmi arată câte jocuri câştigate si jucate am. E veche problema asta, am încercat si alt Rom si tot degeaba.

Nu se mai salveaza scorul. Se blocheaza cand schimb fundalul.

  • Salut, poti incerca noua versiune am scos anunturile “intrusive”. In caz ca mai sunt probleme in continuare am fi recunoscatori daca ai putea oferi mai multe detalii.

Am schimbat ratingul de la 5 la 1.Se blocheaza cand intru in joc.

  • Salut, poti incerca noua versiune am scos anunturile “intrusive”.

Ar trebui sa poti juca si in 3 sau 4. Pe cand un joc de macao?

Iubesc acest joc si imi pare foarte bine ca a aparut si pe store o aplicatie facuta asa cum trebuie. Urmatorul pas important, in urma caruia aplicatia va avea 5 stele ar fi posibilitatea de a juca online cu alti jucatori reali. Pana atunci, multa bafta developerului la scris de cod.

Jocul nu mai functioneaza in modul landscape!!!!!!! :-( , altfel as fi dat 5 stele…..

Foarte frumos jocul…imi aduce aminte de bunicu, cel care de fapt m’a si invatat acest joc

Am schimbat de la 5 la 3 stele datorita schimbarii permisiunilor la update. In cond astea nu am de gand sa mai updatez.

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