[App] SimpleWeathe
SimpleWeather is a simple ad-free weather application for getting your current forecast.
SimpleWeathe Features:
Completely ad-free
Display current weather conditions
Show this week’s daily forecast
Display other useful details: pressure, humidity, wind conditions, sunrise and sunset times
Severe weather alerts
Simple user interface
Support for multiple favorite locations
Resizable home screen widgets
Weather notification for current weather conditions
Wear OS support with available tiles and complications
SimpleWeathe Weather Sources:
This app currently supports the following weather providers:
HERE Weather
Apple Weather (formerly Darksky)
U.S. National Weather Service (weather.gov – US only)
BrightSky (Germany only)
Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
OpenWeatherMap (Provider key needed): openweathermap.org/appid
Tomorrow.io (Provider key needed): www.tomorrow.io/weather-api
World Air Quality Index Project (aqicn.org)
RainViewer (rainviewer.com)
** Want the app in your language? Visit the link within the app to help translate to your language (Settings > About) **
SimpleWeathe Useful Tips:
Pull down page to refresh weather
Scroll down page for more weather information
Toggle to switch temperature units is available in Settings
Move or delete locations by toggling edit mode or long pressing location tile
Weather Icons by Erik Flowers: weathericons.io
SimpleWeathe user reviews :
Hands down, the best minimalist weather app on the market. It has clean and fully adjustable interface, plus modern looking and highly customizable widgets. If you don’t want a weather app from 2012 with overcrowded interface and photorealistic backs and icons, then this is your best option. Would’ve given it 6 stars because of how much better it fits a modern smartphone UI language, than any of the competitors.
Best weather and weather widget app I’ve used. One little thing, please add the option for change of fonts for the customisable widgets, as in please allow us to put our own ttf/otf files in to change fonts for the widget.
Temperature readings vary significantly from forecaster to forecaster. one may register 120°F, the other records 107°F. Simple weather is 97% right in rainfall prediction for Dallas Fort Worth Geographical region. The update interval is one hour I think 5 to 15 minutes interval is ideal. wind/ Sunlight play a big roles in temperature changes and wind speeds of 20 to 28 mph can cause a drop of -20°F or greater in less than an hour. likewise Sunlight cause dramatic rise of temperature in Nevada
Great app hands down one of the best weather apps I have used. Beautiful and sleek design.
Great weather application does everything I need. I can use my choice of weather data (openweathermap). One thing I would like is to remove background image(s). I think it obscures the data and makes a bit unreadable since the translucency is bit high. Which seems like not a problem with dark images (usually the ones that are used for night time).
The good: Great forecasting from good sources. Useful layout. Persistent notification. The not so good: Background updating doesn’t appear to happen. I have it set to 1 hour with battery optimisation turned off (Galaxy S10/Android 10) but constant manual refreshes are still required. Radar usefulness limited by poor definition image and not easily controlled animation. Map is also very simplistic. Needs Mapbox/something similar? EDIT: Forecast updating still not working after earlier app update.
EDIT: SimpleWeather has been eating away at my Fossil Sport Watch (Wear OS) battery. 13% battery usage just before running out of power. Next things down are system features which use 11% or below. Please fix this if possible. Absolutely amazing app when using OpenWeatherMap as the provider. No ads, clean interface, and it also lets you know about warnings such as Severe Thunderstorms, Tornado Watches, and more!
- Hi Lori, Glad that your liking the app, and thanks for the review. Could you email a screenshot of the notification when it appears again, if possible? Regards, Dave
Good simple app. Wish you could rearrange features. *****Feature request: – realfeel/feels like temp in the top info. – coloration for hi/lo bar is currently static red/green gradient, wish the color coordinated with the actual number (20F is not a red temp lol) or even better, had a minimal option of no color. *****Bug: – Clicking radar button in dark mode has this white flash animation that hurts the eyes… – “>” buttons don’t do anything. Only the AQI one works.
I kinda like it. It’s simple, minimalist, light and has an intuitive interface. It’s not a five-star rate for now cause I wish there was a Portuguese language option in the settings. Apart from that, I recommend it specially if you hate ads as much as I do. Keep it like that pleeease!
OMG, simple is right! Exactly what you need to see at a glance with all the extras if you want to dig deeper and a tiny widget icon to save you space. After 5 minutes I had to give the developer a few bucks for premium because this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
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