Skating Freestyle Extreme 3D – Skate one of the 9 awesome premade skateparks

[Game] Skating Freestyle Extreme 3D

Awesome freestyle Skateboarding game in 3D.

Whether you like skating street, or big ramps, bowls and half pipes, Skating FE3D has it all, completely free!

Ride fast, do manuals, slides, flip tricks, grabs, wall rides and all the other tricks you can imagine, and line them together for insane combos like the pros!

Skate one of the 9 awesome premade skateparks, or create your own custom park, with more than 40 different ramps, rails and funboxes, to choose from!

Customize your characters clothes and skateboard!

Earn skill points to level up your characters skills, like jump height, spin speed and more!

Play 3 different game modes: Arcade Mode, S-K-A-T-E Mode and Free Run!

The game is developed by independent developer EnJen Games. Follow EnJen Games on, to request new features, report bugs, or get the latest news about new EnJen Games or updates!

Skating Freestyle Extreme 3D user reviews :

Its a good game overall but there are a few bugs and glitches that could be fixed like when landing sometimes you randomly flop on your face for no reason at all. But mostly I love this game I started playing before it big for skating fans I would recommend this game if you are a fan of skate 3.

awsome game to help you entertain yourself but i have to admit that the graphics could improve a little, but it doesn’t really stop me from playing and having fun on the game but in the end that’s just my opinion try for yourself and see and for that i think this app deserves 4 stars but if the graphics improve just a little more it would have been 5.#awesome

  • Did you try out the second game, skateboard FE3D 2? Much better graphics and a lot of other improvements

This game is great but a few years ago like I was 6 or 7 years old the lvls we’re not locked y is it now it onlocks on lvl3 or something and I found a lag when u on the ramp for a while it like u can do tricks but it not moving it’s still a great game tho it just needs a little more work

I like the game but the graphics are mediocre. The controls are a bit hard but the guis are nice and simple. I give it 4 stars. Good game!  P.S. I have played all of your 3d extreme games

It was pretty fun to play, although there are some glitches with the quarter pipes, and sometimes you just have to wait for 2 minutes floating in the air. Also, the graphics are pretty bad.

try adding more actual tricks like a pop shuvit or nollie. stop making the game worse by adding so many levels, and focus on what the skaters actually do. for instance, you can’t even drop in, and even if you tried, you would get stuck on your ramp. and unfortunately, until you listen to you customers I’m rating this a 1 star.

I love this game I’ve been playing it since I was 5 it teaches me tricks that I never knew about and it’s fun because you get and make your own character what the problem is all the levels are locked and they look cool

I love this game without the levels but now there’s levels now I can’t use the cool maps and stuff but it makes you want to play the game more to level up.

It’s really fun and the controls are easy the graphics suck but this game is a old game so I understand but what will make the game blow up is multiplayer so you can play with your friends

Its good, the controls are a little clunky but it works and when i grind i need to balance but i cant see the black arrow because I wear black clothes.

This is a really fun game its play proctect so you cant get a virus on your phone and it’s very fun to explore and you can do your own roleplay in it and if your internet isn’t working you can still go on and play the game you don’t even internet for it it’s that good so that’s why I rate It 5 stars it’s really really fun

I love the game because I do skateboarding myself but I get bored easily (I’m a kid) , some people would agree with me if I say this game could use some new maps to play.

this would be a five star like every over fe3d 1 game is but the only problem is that there is now too many ads and you have to unlock levels it used to be so much better

It’s an awesome game but every time you die on freestyle mode there is an ad break which it kind of annoying

It’s a good game but when you sometimes do a tricks on a ramp you spin around and lose all your points but overall its a good game

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