Snow Stars

[Wallpaper] Snow Stars

Snow StarsSnow Stars : When the snow falls outside the window and there is no wind, snowflakes dance calmly in the air.

This is just the wallpaper – Snow Stars . You can see the dance.

NOW 2 themes in free version available.

Fixed Nexus 10 issue

Cool 3D Depth effect
Accelerometr sensor move camera and snow
This is free version, in FULL version :

11 Themes: 6 Christmas Themes + 4 Winter Themes + New Year
5 Snowflakes types
Snowflakes count, Sparks Count
Randome Theme, Random Snowflakest type
Theme duble size
HD textures for tablets

Please comment ! Thanks !

Snow Stars user reviews :

Cool Vivid colours!! Looks great on my Galaxy W! Well done

Cool! Very cool wallpaper! Very realistic! Makes my ace 2 very elegant.. Please add more free themes.. :)

Lovely snow flakes Can feel the winter on my screen.:…coolllllllllll ;)

Smooth and beautiful It is fantastic, one of my favorite live wallpaper

Good, but expected more Really cool and festive. But the free version gives you only two options : snow flakes, or ornamental balls…. Not the plethora of options that I was led to believe I would have….

Ol’ Easy Great talent leading to great beauty, and a Happy smile at every view. The pleasure that comes with this is given free but what it gives is priceless. Thank you,and you need only to see this to know more and better are coming in the future.

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