Soul of Yokai – You travel to Kyoto in hopes of mending your broken heart

[Game] Soul of Yokai

  You are a young businesswoman who has recently gone through a break-up.

You travel to Kyoto in hopes of mending your broken heart and maybe finding a new love. You didn’t, however, expect it to come in the form of a Yokai (Japanese demon). After a chance encounter, you are invited to the Yokai world, where you meet three attractive young men of varying Yokai races: Hayato a half Oni, Yukio of the Yukiotoko race, and Karasu of the Tengu. You are surprised to find out that they all want your hand in marriage! Not everything is peaches and cream, however, as you notice a darkness looming over the Yokai townspeople, and a growing dislike of human beings.

Can you help mend the relationship between the yokai and humans all while helping these boys overcome their own personal traumas? Can you find love among demons? Find out in Soul of Yokai!


The Cocky Hanyo (Half-Oni)- Hayato
Being half-Oni and half-human, Hayato has a bone to pick with the Yokai World’s view on human beings. He’s conflicted about his half human-side as well as his feelings about you, which can make him come off as rude at times. He plans on proving his strength and making real change by becoming the Yokai World’s next Ruler. But he can’t do it without a powerful queen at his side. Are you up for the challenge?

The Flirtatious Yukiotoko- Yukio
One of the most beautiful men in the Yokai World and also the only male of his race, Yukio is quite popular among the ladies. He doesn’t seem to take them seriously however, as he struggles to understand the meaning of love. One thing he knows for sure though, his heart has only ever been set on one human girl, you. Can you handle this popular boy’s devilish charms, while helping teach him how to love?

The Withdrawn Tengu – Karasu
After witnessing the horrific crimes of his older brother, Karasu remains a rather cold and distant Yokai. Once very friendly to humans, Karasu finds himself conflicted about his feelings for you. He can’t choose between pushing you away or risking his life to protect you. Can you help him overcome his past trauma with his brother, and help him smile once again?

Soul of Yokai user reviews :

Not a true otome game. You only get to pick 1 of 2 choices. Gems are the only way to have a second option it would be better to just buy a full version than spending close to $70 so see all the content for one season. You can only see the main characters and for some reason 1 extra “villain” that really isn’t worth adding in. Not a lot of detail other than the mainleads. Basically it’s cute but not worth the price. They could have done A LOT more to it but didnt. Cute play not worth the price.

AMAZING AND UNIQUE!!!! This is your first game which has essence of Japan. I mean scenes, costumes, music. Overall it’s mesmerising. Character development was really very strong. I liked Yukio the most. I learned from this… That “Let past just pass… What really matters is present… and prepare yourself for future .” Looking forward for more games based on Japanese culture. I really want to know more about it… THANK YOU.

I’m glad that we get to imagine MC this time also,i’m totally hyped! The graphics have improved very well and the art is very stunning! The character themselves are also great,I feel a bit distant from them but as the story does it’s work,I slowly get to know and understand them,I also like the fact that side characters are being drawn like the love interests,I remember in your old games side characters where just silhouettes but it didn’t bothered me much.Keep up the awesome work!

The story is really lovely! The story lines are perfect! I am happy that the MC isnt there! All of the boys were absolutely gorgeous! And I love all of the mystery there was! I used to not really like japanese culture but now I actually have an interest! Can’t wait for your next game!

i like the game but it cost soo much gems and the way that it needs a lot of PS its too much but still i really like the games that they make but pls next time lower the gem and PS its too much i can’t play it all day and i dont want to use my real money anyway its a really good game

This game is so incredibly amazing, I don’t know but I cried when Sakuya died. And I had tears of joy at the end, anyways I chose Karasu, I really didn’t knew that someone can be destroyed just by love, but this story really taught me a lot thanks genius, keep the good work up

This is one of the best stories I’ve read. The suspense, action, romance, everything is so well balanced! And the character and costume designs are breathtaking! Great job Genius group!

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