Speed Taxi

[App] Speed Taxi Bucharest

Speed TaxiSpeed Taxi is the first modern taxi company in Romania that uses digital means for answering its client’s needs.

The taxi orders marathon began in 2007, when Speed Taxi passed an important barrier regarding the taxi ordering methods.

With a modern dispatch system and with the benefits of online services with prompt answer, our clients can enjoy a fast response time from our dispatch operators.

The experience gathered in the last 4 years, in which we offered our clients the online ordering service, now helps us fulfill the new requirements: instead of dictating your address while on the phone it is faster and more convenient to click only once and the dispatch already knows where to send the car. Because you’ve initially indicated your desired location.

The confirmation from the dispatch is visible online and you can see at any time our car’s estimated time of arrival.

We notify you online. Simple and convenient!

Recenzii Speed Taxi :

E puncual si sigur Vreti un taxi corect apelati cu incredere

Este foarte buna Speed taxi este o firma în care te poţi increde

Foarte buna Au venit mereu la 3 min fara intarziere

Recomand Prompți șoferi buni… aplicația merge bine

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