Upjers Solitaire

[Game] Upjers Solitaire

Upjers SolitaireIn Upjers Solitaire you are a Gnobbit.

You solve gripping card game challenges as a garden gnome. Your goal is uncover as many cards as possible and put them down on the discard pile.

You can put down the cards in ascending or descending order. For instance, if the discard pile has a 3, you can put down a 2 or a 4 — always the next higher or lower card. If your deck doesn’t currently have a card that fits on the pile, you can draw a card from the stack, as long as there’s a card that you can put another card down on. This easy-to-understand game principle lets you solve tricky tasks.

Try to get all of your cards onto the discard pile
Put down a certain number of cards, without resorting to drawing from the stack
Lay down cards within a certain time limit
Master exciting levels
Earn points and bronze, silver and gold stars

Additionally, there are countless fantastic game features that allow you to lay down your cards more efficiently. These include the wild card, that matches any cards, the shuffle, which rearranges the cards in your deck, the color bomb, which destroys all cards of the same color and the uncovering, which flips all cards quickly to allow you to get an overview. Experience Upjers Solitaire, the ultimate entertaining card game amusement! Get the free app now!

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Great characters Abit slow but good fun

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