Warhammer Chaos and Conquest – Prove your worth to the Chaos Gods

[Game] Warhammer Chaos and Conquest – Build Your Warband

Warhammer Chaos and Conquest  Spread Chaos across the Old World!

Command a horde as you build a fortress capable of conquering the Empire of Man – and any other Chaos warbands that stand in your way. With enough power, you will prove your worth to the Chaos Gods by conquering Altdorf and becoming the Everchosen!

Set in the Warhammer Fantasy universe, Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest is real time massively multiplayer strategy game where players compete for the resources of the Old World and battle for control of the Old World.


Collect Warlords to be your most powerful soldiers in the war against the Empire
Over 20 Daemons of Chaos & 10 warriors of Chaos to collect
Use your strategy to assemble a diverse warband capable of smashing the defenses of your foes
Daily challenges to complete with guaranteed rewards & bonuses based on leaderboards!

Raise a Champion worthy of the title of Everchosen
Research Skills to expand your military, battle, & unholy might
Increase your power by building structures including the Chaos Temple, Sorcerer’s Citadel, Fortress Walls, Watchtower, Warlord Conclave, Workshop, Daemonic Forge, Hell Cannons, Dungeons, Training Grounds, & more.
Collect more resources by upgrading your Lumber Mill, Slaughter Pens, Blast Furnace, & Quarry

Vanquish roaming beasts to send them to their final resting place
Send your warriors on marches throughout the realm to pillage goods from the land
Siege other players fortresses to muck up their plans of conquest in favor of your own
World chat for discussing the battle results with your enemies!

Join an alliance to coordinate the conquest of landmarks important to the Empire
share the spoils with your alliance! As your alliance collects resources, your allies automatically earn additional spoils
Assist your allies by speeding up their construction of their Chaos Fortress
Send your troops to assist your alliance in defense, or receive warriors from your allies to make your fortress unbeatable
Complete Trials, both solo & with your alliance, to make your army more powerful
Gather with your Alliance to take over the major landmarks of the Old World

Pledge your alliance to the Chaos Gods – Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, & Slaanesh! Bring the chaos they desire to the Old World!
Build a temple to Nurgle, the Plague Lord and god of disease, decay, and death!
Build a Temple to the Dark Prince Slaanesh, the God of lust, pride, and decadence!
Build a temple to the changer of Ways, Tzeentch, the god of magic, change, and sorcery!
Construct a temple to the blood God Khorne! The god of violence, carnage, and anger is eager for the spill of blood.

Special events to conquer roaming warbands of other Warhammer Fantasy factions, including greenskins, beastmen, & dwarfs!
Iconic Warhammer Fantasy locations, including: Chaos Wastes, Norsca, Troll Country, & the Empire of Man
Iconic Warhammer creatures to housing in your dungeons, including Chaos Spawn, Slaughter Brutes, mutalith vortex beasts, & dragon ogres!
Iconic Warhammer infantry available for training, including Marauders, Forsaken, Chaos Warriors, & Chaos Chosen
Iconic Warhammer beasts to corral, including: Warhounds, Chimera, Gorebeasts
Collect warpstone through daily quests

Carve your own legend in the Warhammer Fantasy Old World. The legions of the Empire of Man stand in your way – march your warband right through them & cement your legacy as the Everchosen of Chaos that brought down the Empire of Man!

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Warhammer Chaos and Conquest user reviews :

The game is great overall, needs some tweaking in pvp combat… especially when you are being raided….edit: later lvls(above 20) it becomes slow paced and most of the tine is spent hiding behind a shield in order to not get hit by strong players because any hit is too damaging to let it happen, sometimes weeks to recover the losses
  • Tilting Point
  • Greetings! Thank you for providing your feedback. We are always looking at ways to improve the game. If you would like to further discuss this with the team, please let us know via – Hunted Cow Support
Blunder after blunder by these devs. Love the franchise and game format, but the devs just make updates that make no sense, adding “features” that make things worse for players. More loot boxes. UI changes that reduce QoL. Game mechanics changes that make no sense. Every update is followed by them apologizing and then making the same mistakes. EDIT: After a bunch of good quality of life changes and making the game more approachable for f2p players, I have upgraded my review. They are listening
  • Tilting Point
  • Thanks for the feedback. Our team have been listening & have made some significant improvements to the new Favour system! You’ll be seeing some of this in a patch later this week, and full details have been posted to the in-game news. We’d really appreciate it if you’d consider amending your review!

It’s alright just a good time waster, the time it takes to build and train and research though is a little high I mean an entire year just to research chaos warriors? That’s too long if you ask me, the game is solid and not bad the only gripe I have is it takes a long time to do anything.. perhaps it can take a week to research things at most or build things a week at most cause I doubt anyone is willing to wait an entire year just to get research chaos warriors or chosen to be trainable

Unlike most of these kinds of games, you can get alot of help with upgrades and stuff from your alliance, and many of the time items can also be purchased through a cureency you get for helping your alliance. i’ve never felt liek I needed to buy the currency to get ahead which is refeeshing

It’s hard to find games that are outstanding like this one.. it put you in the seat of living the Dark Ages. I love the game play and smooth play of description and how to navigate through the world. I recommend this game to those who enjoy medieval culture and living. Role playing is a high theme for me. Thanks for allowing me to rate this game. I approve!!

Latest Update :

Fixed a bug preventing starting a Ritual when the player is missing queue time and resources.
Fixed unmapped icons for Ritualist gear.
Fixed extended loading times when starting the game.

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