WoW Legion Companion

[App] WoW Legion Companion

WoW Legion CompanionWoW Legion Companion : The new World of Warcraft: Legion Companion app for Android lets you make the most of your time in the game, wherever you may be.

TRACK WORLD QUESTS: View your active world quests and emissary bounties from directly within the app! You can check out the rewards and figure out which quests to do once you’re in-game.

MISSION CONTROL: See which missions are available to you in your Class Order Hall and get them started, all while you’re on the go. You can complete your missions and collect your rewards, as well as manage your followers,, upgrade their gear, and recruit troops for future missions.

ORDER HALL PROGRESS: Conduct research and track the status of your Order Hall tech tree to maintain the momentum of your in-game progression.

To use all the features of the app, you must have an active World of Warcraft subscription and characters of an appropriate level.

World of Warcraft accounts on Starter or Veteran Editions will be able to log into the app but will not be able to select any characters.

Languages Supported:
Español (Latinoamérica)
Español (Europa)
한국어 (Korean)
简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)

©2016 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. Hearthstone and Heroes of Warcraft are trademarks, and and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S., and/or other countries.

WoW Legion Companion user reviews :

Long time coming A great App! Very easy to operate and takes the load off login in at home every spared minute. My only additions to the development team is to allow simple push notifications when a quest is complete (or have a selectable list of things you’d like to be notified about) Also, as I use this at work, I don’t care for the SFXs, and currently when I disable the sound, it is reactivated when I log back in. A permanent SFX disable would be great. Thanks Blizzard!

Works great Could have used this in WoD lol but hey, better late than never, saves a lot on in game time not having to port back to do missions. If push notifications are put in, please make them able to be disabled. I can see some wanting it, but some not (like me, dont care for em). Now for a pet battles app

Works beautifully, but I play it late at night in bed next to my sleeping wife… I need the SFX to STAY OFF when I turn them off please. Other than that the app is perfect for my needs. Would be nice to combine it with the current armory app, but as it would require you to be fully offline to access I see that being a tall order. Keep up the great work.

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