[Game] Daily Themed Crossword Puzzles
Choose from a range of topics like Movies, Sports, Technology, Games, History, Architecture and more!
Access to hundreds of puzzles, right on your Android device, so play or review your crosswords when you want, wherever you want!
Give your brain some exercise and solve your way through brilliant crosswords published every day!
Increase your vocabulary and general knowledge. Become a master crossword solver while having tons of fun, and all for free!
Daily Themed Crossword features :
Fun puzzles for everyone.
A new puzzle everyday, 365 days a year.
Get rewards for playing daily.
Hints to get you past those obscure words.
Each day of the week has a theme attached to it.
Hard enough to keep you interested and easy enough to keep you coming back.
Learn about famous personalities, events, discoveries and loads of new words.
Download Daily Themed Crossword now, join thousands of crossword enthusiasts and see why everyone is hooked!
Write back to us with any issues or suggestions, we are all ears!
Daily Themed Crossword Puzzles user reviews :
Subscription is just… kinda useless. After subscribing it is still freemium (need to pay to keep playing). The puzzles are nice, though. That’s why 3 stars. And I love the themes. But it doesn’t warrant that after you pay weekly/monthly/yearly you still have to pay to play how much you want. Make at least the archives free for those subscribed. Just saying. I canceled my subscription (weekly — for “trial”) and will wait for an update.
Overall, it’s nice to have a new theme each day. This game always had ads in between each puzzle, a minor annoyance, but now I might uninstall the game because of the ads that automatically pop open Google play without me clicking on them. Plus, this happens in the middle of working on a crossword, instead of at the end like the other ads. I was on the verge of rating this 3 stars because of the new pop open ads.
Good game but…I paid for one of the packages to remove ads. But I’m still watching ads! The Quest part has an ad every 2 or 3 puzzles and you can’t go any further unless you watch an ad to unlock the next puzzle. I paid for something advertised but got something different. That is a bait and switch. Will be contacting Google Apps.
Can’t turn off notifications. While you can use android to disable notifications for the app from your dropdown menu, there will be more notifications that come through the next day. Nothing in settings of the app itself to stop them. Otherwise, frequently repeated and poorly curated questions. The bottom of the barrel, really. I downloaded for themed crosswords but only 1/4 of the questions on a theme will be related to the topic whatsoever.
I’m really enjoying this app. It’s easy to use and has a good balance between relaxing and challenging. There are mini games you can choose to participate in or not. I think that’s what I like about this game, you have choices… You can choose to watch adds to get boosters and coins on just play the puzzle as is. You can choose to try to beat the clock and get more stars or you can relax and take your time. There are adds between puzzles but they’re usually short or you can fast forward.
I have been playing this crossword for a long time. I really like it, but it has been freezing on videos, it’s like the app crashes and hangs up. You have to get out and start all over. Coin Machine has been stating “No Video Available” for weeks. I uninstalled and reinstalled and now I have a whole new game, lost all my previous points, etc. I contacted Support and they said to make sure I have the latest update, which I did. But, now it’s like I’m starting over from scratch.
I’ve been playing this game for a couple years and I genuinely enjoy it. The daily puzzles usually have a fun and interesting theme, and the mini packs are fun to play when you just need something to stay busy. Recently, though, the app has been having a bug where when I try to open it up, it freezes on the home screen before it loads, and no matter how long I wait it doesn’t load. Uninstalling and reinstalling didn’t work, and it only erased all my data. Would love this to get fixed
- We’re very sorry about this. Please write to us at support[at]playsimple.in with your details and we’ll do our best to resolve it. Additionally, you can also find us on Instagram or Facebook and share the details there. Thank you!
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