Dissidia Final FAntasy Opera Omnia – Legendary heroes and villains

[Game] Dissidia Final FAntasy Opera Omnia

  Dissidia Final FAntasy Opera Omnia : A Dream Collaboration!

Legendary heroes and villains from across the FINAL FANTASY series come together in a compelling story of powerful deities and a world in peril. Fans of the series will see their favorite characters in a brand-new adventure, and newcomers will experience the compelling story, drama, and combat that the FINAL FANTASY series is known for!

Turn-Based Combat with a Twist!
Engage in simple yet strategic turn-based combat! The unique Bravery system challenges you to balance offense with defense as you build up your Bravery and wait for the right moment to strike!

Assemble Your Party!
Build parties from a cast of dozens of FINAL FANTASY heroes and villains and prepare them for battle with a variety of equipment and abilities. Embark on a journey alongside beloved characters and encounter familiar faces, summons, and more along the way!

Play with Friends!
Multiplayer quests allow you to join forces with up to two other players to bring down mighty enemies and earn fabulous rewards!


Darkness converges upon us, and the world crumbles before our very eyes…
What was once a sanctuary for the weary has now become a battlefield.
Long ago, the deities Spiritus and Materia warped the fabric of time and space to create a new world—a world they populated with warriors from other realms.
These men and women were forced to fight day and night without reprieve, and the strain of endless battle soon grew to be too great.
With battered bodies and shattered spirits, they sent out a cry for help…

Dissidia Final FAntasy Opera Omnia user reviews :

I’ve been playing this game for – I think – two years? I play casually, and I’ve found the game to be incredibly fair and generous with its premium currency. It’s not hard to get characters you want, and while getting good weapons depends on luck, I have had no problems maxing out characters. I enjoy the story, and I can come and go as I please. There’s always chances to get something I missed later. A+ game.

Fun game, only if you own the correct equipment which spread across 140+ characters is pathetically ungenerous. The further you proceed, the more the game spits in your face as a consumer and completely disrespects your spare time by expecting an unrealistic amount of resources to be placed into it. If you’re after a story, there’s a lot spoken but nothing really said or unveils. Try it but mark my words: You will burn out and regret your time wasted.

Super cute and cheesey. Yet it still has a nifty story line and rather addicting game play. Then it’s got the trademark ff- character building system. They just need to be more generous with their e.x. weapon drops. It’s very biased. As in hard work esrning those gems be damned!! They’ll only reward you if you pay cash up front to get things…. still a good ‘lil’ game tho.

Best gacha game I have ever played. It has a pity system on the premium currency (gems), so you can guarantee getting what you want once in a while if you save. It is generous with the gems and tickets earnable per month, there’s new content released every week, and the devs seem to listen to player feedback, especially on quality of life improvements. The gameplay is fun and endgame content is legitimately challenging. Still a gacha, though, so you can’t get everything without paying.

One of the most generous gatcha games on the platform. You hardly need to spend any money to get the characters and gear you may want. Beyond that, the combat is fairly simple, but still offers a surprising amount of depth and challenges. The community managers are also a highlight, having quickly brought quality of life improvements to the game as players noticed issues, and constantly providing interesting events and useful rewards to players.

Great game. Fairly rewarding, not difficult. The main story has no energy system which means you can play all you want. The graphics are perfectly balanced between looking good and running well on medium and low spec phones. The UI is a bit clunky but that’s what all Japanese games suffer from.

all or almost all the heroes in final fantasy in one game! love it! great graphics, great fight scene especially when the enemy gets thrown away! and a no energy or stamina game meaning you can play all you want! great! keep up the good work! i love the game! ps does the game usually takes long loading? i think there is too much downloading and loading.. can there be a fix for this?

Latest Update :

New “Force Enhancement” feature added.
Characters can now be filtered by their traits.
New “Ally List” page added to Party page.
New “Enhance” feature added to the Gear/Abilities page allows easy enhancement of each character.
New “Total Power” feature has been added to gauge a character’s strength, and characters can be sorted by their Total Power.
A limit of 300,000 has been placed on held purchased gems.
Various UI changes and bug fixes.

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