Resultivity – Have a better control over your time

[App] Resultivity – Daily Productivity Motivation

Resultivity : Do you want to have a better control over your time? Or maybe you want to free up a few hours for your hobby? Then Resultivity is a tool for you!

Resultivity saves your time by:

reducing distraction;
helping you to complete your tasks faster;

Overall, Resultivity brings gamification into everyday work or study. Positive, game-like routine makes it easier to battle through mundane or difficult moments of work or study.

Resultivity works like a regular game where you score points and the difficulty level gradually increases. New levels unlock more productivity patterns or tricks.

Points system provides a convenient reference point throughout the day. Like in fitness, you can simply look at the number of steps per day – 10k or more – boom, it’s a great day, a small victory. In the same way, in Resultivity – if you score 1000 points per day – it is a productive day! Just a few of these days per week guarantees hitting your productivity goals for a whole week.

Many people focus too much on the destination, when instead, they should be focusing on system of habits in place to get them there.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit” (с) not Aristotle

We believe, that with the right habits, your goals practically take care of themselves.

Therefore, Resultivity offers you a system of 5 steps:
1. Answer the QUESTION – how productive you are right now?
2. Take control of lost, “wasted” time
3. Make one step at a time
4. Track your priorities
5. Crush your To-Do list

We hope you will enjoy the Resultivity – a digital assistant, who never gets tired and is always ready to help you to live the day to the fullest.

Resultivity user reviews :

The biggest problem with this app is that it doesn’t count any of your time if you focus for too long. You have to focus for the exact set amount of time, which defeats the purpose because you have to constantly think about the app. It’s also really demotivating to work really hard and then see that the app is counting none of it.
  • zababahano
  • Hi, thanks for the review. You don’t have to think about the app. It will remind about itself few times when time comes. Yes you can get to a zone sometimes. It is great. You miss some points… no problem, you can add them manually. But you can get lost in distraction the same way. If the app will save you some time – huge win, right?

The app that can hang out with your day towards goal in step by step!

Like the app, only used it a little while but it’s already helping me focus. I’d like away to override the distracted status. My job involves a bit of customer service, and if I get called away at the end of focus period, I can’t pack the box, and I get penalised when I have been focusing. I know any override could let people cheat, but they’ll only be cheating themselves.

Its a really good app but I hope that you will look into the random minor glitches it has. Example, Trash cans popping out of nowhere while the timer is still on or the box getting broken all of a sudden even without doing anything. Again, I hope you will look into the matter .Also, I already have commented about this way earlier. These things are so annoying especially when an app that you installed to help you focus is the very reason for your distraction.

Cool App. Pretty nice design and sometimes it actually forces me to stay focused just to get more rewards!! I would love to see some more cool features like Task tracking, option to break task into subtasks and to be able to add priorities to these tasks.

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