Aura Kingdom 2 – Immerse yourself in a new fantasy

[Game] Aura Kingdom 2 – Evolution Aura Kingdom 2 Unleash Legendary Eidolons, Evolve Your Adventure! Dive into a vast world and immerse yourself in a new fantasy! Experience the evolution of an anime fantasy adventure MMO in the massive world of  Aura Kingdom, featuring 5 major upgraded systems. Embark on your heroic journey with stunning legendary Eidolons by your side! Evolutionary Update New Evolution, Bringing More Exciting Elements! 1. Introducing new Rainbow Crystals to enhance strategic gameplay 2. Optimizing Classes and Talent to make skills easier to master 3. Enjoying a seamless gameplay with the Eidolon Bond feature 4. Strengthening ... Read more

Moonlight Blade – Dominate the battlefield

[Game] Moonlight Blade Moonlight Blade Mobile is a fascinating open world MMORPG in the traditional Chinese style. The game presents a magnificent world of martial arts, containing a different combination of techniques and features, with high-quality art technology, so that every blade of grass, every tree, hills and clouds are in front of your eyes. 6 unique classes, with their own characteristics and advantages in PVP and PVE games. There are many professions in the game to help you develop and improve: cooking, fishing, hunting, etc. You also expect a variety of images and the opportunity to create a unique ... Read more

Lost Fairyland – Create your own legend

[Game] Lost Fairyland Oriental Fantasy Open World MMORPG is officially launched today! Play every day to get free diamonds! Lost Fairyland is an fantasy open-world MMORPG with oriental style. The game owns a massive map which is over 60,000 inch². Begins a thrilling journey in this Sword and magic world. Everything you choose affects the world and decides the world’s future. Make a dent and create your own legend! For more info and rewards, please follow our official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/DBLGAMES Features Paint the fantastic world An oriental fantastic new world that you can truly immerse in. Unlock the exclusive ... Read more

Immortal Chaos – Join the Immortal faction

[Game] Immortal Chaos A war between gods and demons broke out thousand years ago. Jadeon Tome, the heavenly book was then broken into pieces and scattered in the world, allowing mortals a chance to learn the knowledge it held. More than a thousand years have passed, and a genius swordmancer achieved perfection in studying the tome skills, but only to find that everything was but a lie – Jadeon Tome was scattered throughout the world by the gods and demons, with the purpose of training mortals into their puppets. Swordmancer was stunned by the truth and nearly went insane before ... Read more

Scroll of Onmyoji – Protect world peace

[Game] Scroll of Onmyoji – Sakura & Sword Scroll of Onmyoji: Sakura & Sword is a super popular Japanese MMOARPG game with a competitive style of play, an original fantasy story, along with a beautiful Japanese style. The sound of this game is filled by famous Japanese actresses and voice actors to give you a pleasant experience while playing. This game received a very good rating from Japanese players when it was released in Japan due to the exciting gameplay, stunning image styles, and a talented team of voice actors. This game has a fantasy background. Legend has it that ... Read more

Astral Guardians – Save the world

[Game] Astral Guardians Pre-Regis Special Rewards: After the game is released, players who pre-register will get the following prizes: Bound Diamonds * 600, Coins * 600000, Equip Key * 10, Hunt Ticket * 1, Soulbead Offering Orange * 20, Potion Fatigue Ruins * 1 Astral Guardians is a magical MMORPG with a wide world view and cool content featuring various dungeons and classic PVP experiences. As an MMORPG game, this game has incredible scene images with cool effects that give players a complete gaming experience. Awaken your brave soul and save the world! Astral Guardians is a 3D action RPG that ... Read more

Sacred Summons – Enjoy the immersive storyline

[Game] Sacred Summons NEW CLASS: Monkey King lands in Sacred Summons! A Grand Summoning Experience Awaits! Download now and get free 100 summon tickets! The Monkey King knew that the Ghost Tribe had been wreaking havoc in the mortal realm, but he ignored it since it didn’t affect him and his beloved heavenly peaches. However, when the peaches stopped growing he realized that the miasma unleashed by the Ghost tribe to breach the god realm had also affected the growth of the peaches. Seeing the trouble brewing, Monkey King decides to take matters into his own hands and prepares to ... Read more