Writer Plus

[App] Writer Plus (Write On the Go)

Writer Plus is a handy writer app allowing creative writers to jot down quick points.

WriterPlus is the enhanced version of James McMinnin’s Writer which is a writing application without the fuss and distraction of a traditional word processor.

WriterPlus is perfect for writing notes, novel, lyrics, poems, essay, draft on your phone or tablet.

WriterPlus’ philosophy is Keep it Simple. WriterPlus tries to be as basic as possible, giving you somewhere to turn your thoughts into text, markdown support. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Try WriterPlus with features:

Open, Edit, Save plain text file
Folder support
Keyboard shortcuts
Markdown format
Word and Character Count
Undo & Redo
Night Mode
Android Material UI style
Right to left support
Robust and Stable, High performance
Battery friendly, Limited system resource usage
Absolutely FREE! Great support!

Writer Plus supports Bluetooth Keyboard and some edit shortcuts:
ctrl + a : select all
ctrl + c : copy
ctrl + v : paste
ctrl + x : cut
ctrl + z : undo
ctrl + y : redo
ctrl + s : save
ctrl + f : share

Supported Languages:

Note: Writer Plus stores files in the /Writer/ of the external card (On most devices it means SD card, others means a partition of the main flash.). You can use WriterSync (play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.easy4u.writer.sync) to sync the folder with your Google Drive.

Junk Clean function in PowerClean will delete files in /Writer directory, please use it carefully

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. Writer Plus supports:

H1, H2, H3
Italic & Bold
List & Numbered List

Regarding Markdown format, please refer to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown

Let us know if you have any suggestion
Google Plus Community: plus.google.com/communities/112303838329340209656
Facebook: www.facebook.com/writerplus
Email: support@writer.plus

Writer Plus user reviews :

This app is wonderful.. For everything from taking quick notes for later or like me I’m writing a complete novel with it. I can write down quick ideas for characters plots or like last night I wrote an entire chapter. It’s really nice to break each section into its own document with ease and then sync it to my Google drive to continue on my computer later.. Would give 5 stars if they had a normal Bold an italics button at the top to toggle these instead of the # usage. It’s kind of an eye sore but it works.

Simply awesome, Easy to use, smooth and night mode is pretty cool.. Nd you can share your document in image format that is very nice. your document is saved if you just exited the app by mistake! Umm…i suggest one thing is that should a background theme or wallpaper in document where the writer can fix a logo of his name or anything else

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