cloudLibrary – Discover new digital content

[App] cloudLibrary

A must-have app for library users! Easily borrow physical items using your mobile device, receive reminders, manage receipts and discover new digital content all within the cloudLibrary app!

Extremely intuitive, all it takes is a library card to login and get started! Designed for an enjoyable experience, users can benefit from many new features, depending on their library’s subscription.

Easily accessible library card, which conveniently displays when you’re near the library
Switch accounts with ease and manage multiple library cards from one mobile device
Download and enjoy free eBooks and Audiobooks
Keep track of your physical and digital library activity in one place
Receive helpful receipts, due-date reminders and packable checklists
Visible push notifications alert when hold items are available
View upcoming library events and programs
Checkout print items at your library using your mobile device
Fun and loveable customizations include Themes, Avatars and Nicknames

For libraries that have a subscription to offer eBooks and Audiobooks:

Customize your homepage bookshelves to display your preferred genres
Simple interface makes browsing and saving titles a breeze
Filter content by format, availability and language to display exactly what you are looking for
Mark titles as favorites or read to help with literary conversations with friends
Sync digital content across multiple devices to easily pick up where you left off
View current books, full reading history, items on hold and saved titles in one place
Sort titles by name or author to easily find what you’re looking for
Receive reading recommendations or view additional titles by author or series
Select font size, margins and background colors to create your preferred reading experience
Search eBooks for a particular phrase to get back to that one spot you wanted to reference
Bookmark pages and add notes if needed
Return titles early when you’re finished and make available for other readers

Elevate your library experience today with the cloudLibrary app!

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cloudLibrary user reviews :

I love this app and am really grateful for it. Great options available for changing font size. Love the sepia and night modes. Much easier on the eyes. I’m amazed that it keeps my place and my highlights/notes in books I’ve previously checked out! My only complaint is the highlighting functionality. When I try to highlight a passage, it highlights multiple Pages instead.

9.27.2023 Update: I have a new phone, and the issue I had with my old phone continues with the new one. Clearly it is an app issue. The audiobooks stop playing after only a few minutes. Please fix this. Until the last update, I did not have any issues. 9.8.2023 The app worked well until recently. I reinstalled it today and redownload my books only for the problem to continue. The audiobooks play for a few minutes and then shut off.

After resetting phone I had to download app from google play store again. I can not get it to install. App asks for language and after tapping English the box remains empty. I uninstalled app a couple times and downloaded again with same results. I loved this app and used it a lot. Could I have changed a setting in a different app which may have caused this issue? Please help. I confirmed web view was installed. Before phone reset it was a truely a great working app.

This app is SO buggy. Some books have white pages that won’t load, and some pages only half load. The only reason I keep using it is because if you want to read a book, there’s a 90% chance that you can just borrow without having to wait. I suspect that this is because nobody wants to use it because of how buggy it is.

Dark mode would be wonderful. Also the drop-down menu for skipping to chapters should highlight current chapter. Overall, a decent app for borrowing and reading library books, especially those that may not physically be present in the local library.

Even after I’ve downloaded an audiobook it has a tendency to skip. I’ve tried restarting the app, restarting my phone, u and reinstalling the app. Besides this, the app works pretty well.

When it works, it’s nice. Though, if like to connect to my Goodreads list directly in app. However, it has a persistent glitch where it turns itself on and won’t turn off. I have to force stop the app. Upsetting and destructive to my processing power.

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