DC Legends – How will your choices affect the fate of the DC Universe

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[Game] DC Legends

DC Legends  As the shadow of the Blackest Night prophecy falls on every world, sheer will alone cannot save the shattered DC Universe.

It’s up to you to lead a team of DC’s greatest champions to victory, but know this: peace can only be restored with a strategic mind.

Experience the ultimate role-playing game packed with all of your favorite DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains.

Join Superman, Batman, The Joker and more in a battle against Nekron.

How will your choices affect the fate of the DC Universe?


Collect and form teams of Super Heroes and Super-Villains from across the DC Universe
Construct your own allegiance of the Justice League or build your own Lantern Corp
Unite unlikely allies such as Green Arrow, Doomsday, Wonder Woman, Dr. Fate, and Harley Quinn to create the perfect lineup for each mission


Battle against Nekron and the Manhunters in a story-driven campaign across iconic DC locales, including Metropolis, Themyscira, Thanagar and more
Immerse yourself in cinematic action and vivid environments that bring each encounter to life as you unleash Superman’s Heat Vision, Bizarro’s Flame Breath, or Flash’s Speed Force Vortex on wave after wave of undead foes
Compete against other players around the world to demonstrate your superior team-building skills to climb the ranks in 14 unique Leagues with escalating rewards

Earn new characters and additional rewards through daily and weekly special events tied to the latest in DC comics, movies and TV


Collect iconic and powerful gear for your hero, like Batman’s Batarang, Sinestro’s Power Battery, or Lex Luthor’s Kryptonite Ring, to upgrade their combat abilities
Rank up your Super Hero and Super-Villain to five star and become a Legend
Legendary heroes not only exhibit more powerful stats, but have improved Super Powers and a whole new visual persona

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DC Legends user reviews :

I love this game. I’ve been playing for over 5 years. But I am sick and tired of all the restarting, force closes while trying to get into battle, then not getting any essence or energy back when returning to the game after force closing, and all the glitches during recent raids. This game would be a solid 5 stars if it weren’t for all the ongoing issues.

This game is pretty great! The different game modes are awesome, and the reward system is generous. The Hero/Villain Roster is amazing! I was playing SW:GOH, for years and the developers ended up ruining the game over the years. They focused more on making money rather than keeping it fun. The rewards became very slim. But, if this games stays the way it is with great reward drops, and fairly priced in-game purchases, I’ll play this game everyday, and I’ll gladly recommend it to everyone I can.

I was so happy to play this game. 5 stars happy. I love all the Characters. But, it is very time consuming. And you never seem to get enough to keep your Hero’s and Villians to the highest upgrade or power. But still fun. And then I was forced to update. And it hasn’t worked since. I don’t wanna lose all the work I put in. Sincerely, Mr. J

Just like ‘The Blackest Night’ (classic DC comic book.) So excited when I unlocked both Spectre (original) and Doctor Fate! Also, it’s like Final Fantasy IV and V but better graphics… Plus creates much more intensive study of “hundreds” of unlockable characters and their superpowers. The opt-in upgrades are cheap enough, and for about 20 dollars I unlocked about a dozen characters in under three weeks, including Superman, Batman, Lex Luthor, Bane, Green Arrow and both versions of Deadshot!

I love this game. LOVE IT. But i have never had to deal with such a consistent series of glitches within a game. The games TRIES to be good about covering for you for SOME types of these glitches, but a particular one that is RAMPANT throughtout the game forces you to restart and sometimes even pull the battery from my phone to reset my entire phone. It is of course THESE glitches that cause the game to shrug its shoulders and say, ‘I guess you just left the fight. Why would you do that?’
  • Warner Bros. International Enterprises
  • We’re sorry that you are experiencing issues playing DC Legends. Please contact us at go.wbgames.com/DChelp or use the “Contact” button in the Options menu in-game and our support team will be happy to assist.

Been waiting for a game like this for a long time! Now also give us a DC character collection beat-em-up like Marvel Future Fight! I’m a sucker for meta achievements so it would be nice to see some Google Play ones get added (that I’ll still get retroactively after playing quite a bit!)

Having alot of fun A turn based rpg with DC characters! Huge DC fan so a lil biased but still fun. I just hope they come out with more additional story content. I can see myself running thru this game and then all thats left is grinding for better characters and leveling them up. Then again it is free..

5 so far, amazing. I pre registered and completely forgot about it.. But I’m just hoping the fragment system doesnt turn 5+ star heroes into a pay to win. An by tbe outrageous prices of gold in the shop, i have a bad feeling. Just hope the GM and event rewards are consistent and achievable

Latest Update :

DC Legends keeps getting better!

There are new options to earn and claim free loot!
Tell friends about your favorite game with the Referral feature!
Participate in the monthly Raid Boss to earn amazing rewards!
New exclusive skins every month!
And many Bug fixes!

Check out the new DC Heroes and Villains!

Kyle Rayner: White Lantern joins the battle!
Nekron, Lord of the Unliving, summons the dead to serve him!

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Donload DC Legends from Play Store

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