[Game] To the Edge of the Sky – BTS
To the Edge of the Sky : Enter the year 2077 and become Seven, the newest addition to Phantom Alpha, a secret team who operates under the enigmatic government organization known as P.H.A.N.T.A.S.M.
After joining, you find yourself befriending the other rookie on the team, an incredibly skilled youth known as Zero. As you meet the other members, you quickly learn that while vastly talented, each of them is clearly much more than meets the eye.
Regardless of your differences, you quickly learn what Phantom Alpha can do. But together, you soon discover that on the other side of the radiant world of light, lies an equally dark world of shadow. Can you brave these worlds and trust the men by your side?
BTS ARMY Fan translations temporarily unavailable in-game for: Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Polish, and German with fan translations for Chinese (traditional & simplified), Russian, Czech, Dutch, Thai and Lithuanian coming soon!
To the Edge of the Sky user reviews :
I LOVE IT!!!! I’m not even a fan of BTS but when I stumble upon this, download it then play it; I’m in awe. The graphics are AMAZING. I LOVE THE ARTSTYLE. This has a good plotline as far as I’ve read it. And I can see a potential to this game. And the fact that this game doesn’t “demand” anything from the player, makes it more enjoyable. For example, no ads, no need to buy stories, and etc. Well maybe because this is the demo, but even so it’s really enjoyable. I’m looking forward to the next update!!! Thank you for your hardwork!!!
Absolutely beautiful. I am quite the BTS fan and I appreciate the time and work that went into making such a sophisticated yet totally fun game. I look forward to seeing more from Aeon Dream Studios and will support you guys all the way. Thanks for putting all your time and effort into something like this for us fellow fans. You’re making a game that you would play too and not throwing just anything into this game and for this I think you guys are totally great. This game is perfect, you guys are perfect and your dedication is perfect. Thank you.
You guys are amazing. The art is beautiful, the characters resemble the members, and the story is very complex and interesting. My only concern is that in comparison to zero, nine, and four, six is a little dopey looking. Of course its a demo, and can only get better from here, but i would like to see a slightly more sophisticated rendering of hoseok. But thats my only thing, and i only mention it because im a serious hobi stan. But otherwise, its perfect and right on track
Last Update May 20, 2018 :
New story content added: Chapter 01, Phase 01 has been added
Seven character sprite added: A sprite depicting the main character you play has been added.
GUI overhaul: Much of the GUI has been replaced. A button to hide the main character is also available.
F.A.Q. added: A small F.A.Q. section was added.
Art revamp: An art revamp has begun and is still in progress.
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