Crux – Find the sequence of moves that get you to the top

[Game] Crux

Crux  Climbing is about carefully planning your route and flawless execution.

In Crux you swipe on either side of the screen to move your hands or feet to a new hold – but each hold will only let you hang on for so long. Find the sequence of moves that get you to the top and execute them! And when you mastered all the challenges – Crux lets you design your own routes to share with other climbers!

Crux user reviews :

I downloaded this game to try it out and before I knew it an hour had gone by. It’s really fun, really engaging, and really challenging despite how simple the mechanics are. My hands even started to get sweaty the higher up I got on the problem. There’s a lot of potential here and I can’t wait to see what the developers add to the game in the future.

It’s a fun game but the controls are it’s Achilles tendon. While they are straight forward ( you swipe the left side to move your feet and right side to move your hands) they are incredibly unresponsive at times and sometimes inaccurate. Occasionally completely wrong. Il often find my self swiping up on the left side only to have it bring my feet downwards. This could probably be fixed by having arrows or maybe a way to calibrate it?
  • Mindgames Studios
  • Hey there, thanks for the feedback! Sounds very strange but can’t rule out that its behaving odd on some devices. The next update will have virtual buttons as well, so you can try if that makes things better if you want!
The game play isnt great. I would have preferred a tutorial and the ability to skip And a bit of text to explain the footholds at the top of the start.
  • Mindgames Studios
  • Thanks for the feedback! Next update will hopefully improve some of the things you disliked!
Slow ui and input response, spent most of the time falling off as the swipe movements take far too long to register. Aimlessly swiping with no repsosne isn’t fun.
  • Mindgames Studios
  • Hey Lewis, sorry to hear the controls aren’t working for you. The next update will have virtual buttons as an alternative, hope that will improve things for you!

So cool. Never thought rock climbing would be a video game and it’s actually really fun and challenging and I’m only on the 4th route. Good job.

Really wish the the option to swap the left/right hand/feet side of the screen was available

Great game. The controls can be a bit slow at times but good fun
  • Mindgames Studios
  • Cheers for the feedback!
A really fun game that’s simple to learn but hard to master! I appreciate the difficulty of the levels, each level pack is just a step up from the previous, with different techniques that you need to learn added on slowly. It really feels like the closest thing to bouldering you can get on a phone. And, just like real climbing, I sometimes keep trying a problem and get frustrated, leave the climb, then come back later, and can finish it!
  • Mindgames Studios
  • Thanks Laura – so glad to hear! This is pretty much exactly what we were going for!
Editing my rating to 5 stars. I played the whole game and completed every level, including the 3 bonus gyms. Wow really impressed! This is the first actual climbing game I’ve seen that is a good mix of fun, puzzling and somewhat realistic climbing. I think there’s a lot of potential for additional features like dynos, lead climbing and outdoor climbing (maybe holds aren’t marked?). I love the game as it is but a few more elements to make more unique problems. So much potential for this game!
  • Mindgames Studios
  • Hey Brendan – thanks for the love! We’re indeed working on lots of improvements and new features and I hope you’ll like what we come up with! :) Cheers
Although it hurts a little that the climbing sport is reduced to a mere timing challenge, the game is really beautiful. The movements and colouring are great. Unfortunately, the “import gym” function isn’t working for me. If I put in a gym name from the website, nothing happens. A few seconds later the game will crash
  • Mindgames Studios
  • Hey Danny! We’re fixing the import gym bug any day now, sorry for that! Also agree that the focus on the timing part is a bit too strong so we’ll think about ways to balance that more towards the problem solving side of things! Cheers

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