[App] DroidVim
This app is for those who understand Vim and unix.
DroidVim is a Vim clone text editor ported for Android.
Vim 8 (huge version, multi language), grep, diff and ctags are ready to use.
Required – ARM (Android 4.1 and up), x86 (Android 4.3 and up)
External storage support – External SD card, USB memory, GoogleDrive, Dropbox, etc. (Requires Android 4.4 and up)
Special Keys – Esc, Ctrl, Tab, Arrow keys and more.
Direct input – Disabling predictive text and/or auto correction for normal mode.
Clipboard – Clipboard commands (“*p “*y) are supported.
Custom Font – Use your favorite monospaced font.
Touch to move – Touch, swipe, flick to move cursor.
Multi language – Vim with multi byte option, iconv and multi language messages.
Extra features (in-app purchase):
Git – Version Control System.
Python – Programming language.
DroidVim is an open source project.
DroidVim user reviews :
After updating DroidVim, next time I run it, says “Please update Git and Python manually.” (approximative text). What do you mean by this? On Linux or a rooted Android, it would have made sense, but what to do on a not-rooted Android. (I have checked and there are no “system updates” for this Nokia 6, running Android 9.) Rarely, DroidVim gets slightly confused (like displaying a line of text twice, etc.). Maybe caused by too old Python and/or Git?
I use vim, I use this app :-) Putting e.g : somewhere easy to access is a nice touch. My lack of familiarity with the file system makes using “:w filename” a bit awkward, but it all works fine.
I needed to urgently save a draft of a message that I was writing in a Samsung app. It did not have autosave so I was worried about losing my work. Samsung’s notes app is buggy so I don’t use that, it is just wasting space in my tablet! It can’t be uninstalled! I Googled and found DroidVim. I remembered Vim from my Linux days. The few bad reviews for DroidVim were from a long time ago, or not for current version, so I decided to install it… Less than five minutes later: SUCCESS! file saved.
Finally! Yes! On my Linux computer at home vim is my all-time favorite tool to use in the terminal, this is beyond epic thank you so much for porting this to Android as an app, now I don’t have to figure out how to root my phone and possibly damage it.
It works well. Some convenient features in options, such as editing .vimrc. With that you can configure vim settings the way you want. Speed is good. No problems faced.
It’d be really nice if your can also add node supper, I’ve tried installing it through the command line but no results yet. I would mind paying for this feature. Anyway great app for vim users. Best of it’s kind so far.
- ShiftRot
- You may have created a file in DroidVim home directory ($HOME). You can use “Double Tap – Storage – $HOME Backup/Restore” to copy $HOME files to internal storage. (If you know how to use the “cp” command, you can also copy it from $HOME to $INTERNAL_STORAGE) Please email me if you need help. On Android 7-11, you can use the built-in file manager.
Why is this now (A) starting up on its own and running in the background; (B) setting itself up as a disk-drive?!?!?!? The latter causes the built-in Android 8 file manager to crash, making it impossible to open files & directories in many other apps, rendering those apps unusable. ———- I’m done. I’ll stick with running actual vim from within Termux.
DroidVim is an excellent implementation of Vim for Android with plenty of useful features. I previously used VimTouch but moved on after the project was completely dead. Termux does have Vim available, but that project is focused more on a terminal Linux environment. With DroidVim, you get a full version of Vim bundled with various useful tools and settings that allows for comfortable editing on touchscreens along with a wide range of editing options. If you’re looking for a version of Vim for Android, try out DroidVim for an app that allows for easier editing with many helpful features.
- ShiftRot
- Please add “cd /path/to/dir” to your .vimrc. Thanks.
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