Chrome Dev – Help make Chrome for Android a better browser

[App] Chrome Dev

Chrome Dev

Welcome to Chrome Dev for Android!

Live on the bleeding edge: Try out our latest features. (They’ll be rough around the edges!)
Give early feedback: Let us know what you think and help make Chrome for Android a better browser.

You can install Chrome Dev alongside other channels of Chrome for Android.

Chrome Dev user reviews :

When switching tabs or minimizing the Chrome app for a while, the previous tab shows a blank page, and no operation can be done for a while. Maybe the cache isn’t being handled well. I think it’s not a device or network issue; it’s a bug (specifically how caching is handled after the update). Please fix it ASAP.

Stop forcing pull-to-reload as a mandatory feature, it makes any browser unusable! Swiping a scrollable area down to test if it’s all the way up is useful, not to mention a learned automatic reflex. Pull-to-reload is an unintentional reset button that wipes everything you might be working on. Why did you remove the config flag? Unconditional pull-to-reload is the stupidest UI design obsession of all time.

Nice to have a different isolated app for other Google accounts for a separate pool of passwords for my password manager. BUT… the password manager’s autocomplete no longer works in the latest version. I’m running a Samsung Note 9 Plus. Hate to see those kinds of regressions in such a long time feature. update: it was eventually fixed but now the media player isn’t working

I tried to get the chrome web store apps to work with chrome on a smartphone. It will not work it won’t work. Chrome makes all these apps but no way to fix my chromebook unless I already made a rescue disk once chrome OS goes missing the computer is bricked and this company makes no software to help just squeeze you for more money once you finally give up and just buy another chromebook. Except this time no chrome at all I am boycotting them and you should too!

Love the bottom address bar feature in the app…expecting this feature to be released in public version after some glitches are fixed like some times the address bar is stuck in the middle,to fix this I have to reopen the browser. Apart from this the best browser I have known

I would recommend that updating is confusing, because by the time I update, it is time to update again. Constantly updating. There’s nothing wrong with a change, it’s just so regular it is confusing. It SERIOUSLY bothers me. EVERYTHING and everyone is trying to out do the next. Sickening, but that’s the way of the

I like adjust search bar to bottom feature it’s comfortable to use without strain hand

needs the option to disable auto-play content, or at least via mobile data – not everyone in the world is in America, or has infinite mobile data tariffs. The option to have the status bar either at the bottom or the top depending on preference isn’t going to kill you to code either. It feels like a Microsoft product – makes loads of assumptions on a “one size fits all” basis and gives users hardly any control at all. Like nearly every Google App, it needs a dark mode. Google may like red with white glare, I don’t, and such bright colours damage sleep. Other than that it works fine.

Good to be in the cutting edge with no crashes encountered. I just wonder, what’s the point of making tabs list horizontally and closing them swip vertically? I find this confusing given that Android doesn’t work that way with Apps (At least not the version I’m using 8.0), so it’s inconsistent with the OS in this case. Good work though!

Msjor ISSUE! I am not able to select default, designating this app as the default app, for all other opperations through internet

Chrome Dev is the real bleeding edge of features in mobile browsers. But if you want the bleeding edge you’ll also take the problems that come with it. Right now, Chrome Dev has no major issues. The biggest problem I’ve found lately is when you close tabs and groups, they don’t visually disappear until you close the app and reopen it. Other than that, Chrome Dev is honestly the end all be all for the latest and greatest features.

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