[App] DEX
DEX for Android is an OFFLINE and online Romanian explanatory dictionary –
Dictionar Explicativ Roman – (https://dexonline.ro) – DEX pentru Android.
added DEX widget! finally ! :)
For the widget to work you need to:
1. install DEX application on the internal memory – the widget won’t work if you move the app to the external card (limitation from Android)
2. install the offline database from https://dex.adrianvintu.com
3. configure the database path in DEX app, menu option Preferences. The database path can be /sdcard/dex.dict or sdcard/external_sd/dex.dict or where ever you want.You can also copy the database file to the external micro SD card.
am adaugat WIDGET – in sfarsit! :)
Pentru ca widgetul sa functioneze trebuie sa:
1. instalati aplicatia DEX in memoria interna – widgetul nu va functiona daca mutati aplicatia pe cardul extern (limitare de la Android)
2. instalati baza de date offline de la https://dex.adrianvintu.com
3. configurati calea catre baza de date in aplica DEX in meniul Preferinte. Calea catre baza de date poate fi /sdcard/dex.dict sau sdcard/external_sd/dex.dict sau oriunde doriti dvs. De asemenea o puteti copia pe cardul extern micro SD.
over 500.000 dictionary entries
works online or offline by downloading the offline database from https://dex.adrianvintu.com
has a nice widget
share definitions on facebook, email etc
create your own word list for later review – can be shared
history of searched words
lots of interface preferences in the Preferences menu – like, language, fonts, white/dark theme, etc
can search with wildcards ? * and +
the app helps the uses by autocompleting words
you can send request to the developer for extra features
Ce ofera DEX pentru Android:
peste 500.000 de inregistrari in baza de date
functioneaza online sau offline – daca descarcati baza de date offline de la https://dex.adrianvintu.com
are un widget dragut
definitiile pot fi distribuite pe facebook, email, etc
creati lista dvs de cuvinte/definitii, pe care o puteti analiza mai tarziu
istoria cuvintelor cautate
o multime de preferinte de interfata pot fi setate in meniul Preferinte – ex. limba, fonturi, tema(theme) alba/intunecata
puteti cauta cu wildcards ? * si +
applicatia va ajuta sugerandu-va completari de cuvinte
puteti trimite sugestii catre utilizator pentru featuers-urile dorite de dvs
Vedeti si celelalte aplicatii ale mele
Istoria Romanilor pentru Android https://ir.adrianvintu.com
Istoria Romanilor pentru Windows Phone https://ir.adrianvintu.com
User Dictionary Manager (UDM) https://udm.adrianvintu.com
DEX pentru Windows Phone https://dex-wp.adrianvintu.com
DEX pentru Android https://dex.adrianvintu.com
DEX user reviews :
Useful and amazing! Useful and amazing application, my best sincerely thanks to developer. Keep doing this amazing activity of developing such grate and really useful apps.
Great to use offline! I use this app because it offers you the possibility to browse the Dex dictionary offline (otherwise the mobile version is totally enough). On top of being extremely useful and easy to use, is absolutely ad-free, which honors its conceptor. The only cons is that he did not make the conjugations and declensions searchable. I might also appreciate a possibility to look for definitions of words one might not understand inside the definitions.
Great A little slow over 3g but great overall, would be nice to have the option to download the whole dex, have it indexed and searchable locally and only synchronize periodically with online dex for updates.
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