[Game] Juice Farm – Idle Harvest
Welcome to our Juice farm! Will you help us grow?
In this idle game you will be managing farmers, factory employees and delivery to upgrade our business to the next level.
We will provide seeds, light and water, but it’s up to you how will you manage and upgrade this factory.
The more goods you harvest, the more products you can sell. Your customers will love healthy smoothies, raw salads and eco sandwiches straight from your farm!
On Juice Farm you can grow fruits and vegetables like apples, lemons, oranges, tomatoes, pumpkins, and even parsley. In your factories out of those ingredients you can prepare broccoli cakes, pumpkin pies, apple salads, orange juices and more delicious and healthy snacks.
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Juice Farm user reviews :
This is a really nice game but it’s lack of content is making it to deserve 3 stars.. Please add more and more fruits, veggies and farms! Edit: 4 stars because of the update! Please add something for the end game and you will get 5 starts. Thank you for adding new things!
The controls need doing. The collecting of materials isn’t smooth, because instead of sliding our fingers across to collect them we have to tap manually. It’s honestly so tedious.
It’s a great game as many have mentioned. However, there isn’t much “offline” gain especially for an idle game. That’s kinda weird.
Really good game, enjoyed playing it – finished in a day tho… Has a lot of potential, hopefully the developers continue adding to the game, maybe a reset progress options that gives you a little boost next time around, might extend the game play a little. Looking forward to more updates! Thanks
It’s alright for a little semi idle game. Not terrible , and the ads aren’t intrusive (thankfully). But so far pretty fun.
The game is fun and very addicting. The only issue im having is when i watch a video to get the 1:00 minute bonus it gives me 20 seconds every time. Please fix this.
Good game but very short. Only 40 levels and 8 varieties for fruit/veg can be grown. Quite easy to max everything out. Completed it within a week playing at roughly an hour a day! Has potential!
Very easy to get to the top end of the game then purposeless after that, nothing but unfixable supply chain issues and bad logistics. Fun on the way and the concept is great but no reason to keep playing.
Max player level 40. You get only 8 items that are seeded, watered, grown and harvested, automated by little farmers. No real money is necessary. Watching ads helps you reach your goals quickly but when your 3 factories and warehouse are maxed… And your 8 items are maxed.. There isnt much to do. You can hold the game open to sit idle on your table so you can eventually make enough to upgrade your conveyor belts and veggie prices… But thats about it. I hope they expand this or add events…
1st Rank 40 max ? Now are 80 Rank max Really .. Upgrade thing really less be playing 4 hour already feel like end Game ..and your diamond are Useless without better Upgrade plus Stupid admin your Screen keep going Dark. Why ? Mostly i play idle app game NEVER go Dark but your make me feel annoy….. normally game like this 1 or 2 star are max .. if got adding someting more to Upgrade it will nice GIVE More Star no Problem.
Pretty decent time waster! Graphics are decent too. Shame there aren’t more levels, as I completed it in a couple of hours. Would like to have some additional gameplay as there isn’t much more to do now. Maybe harvesting on different planets or different countries?
Good game, finished it in 9 hours total play time. No need to watch ads. Wish there was more strategy for the factories.
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