Kevo – Notifications when they come home or leave

[App] Kevo

KevoDownload the Kevo app for use with the Kevo Touch-To-Open smart locks made by Kwikset and Weiser.

No more fumbling for your keys. Keep your phone in your pocket or purse and just touch the smart lock to open.

Send eKeys to family, friends and guests from anywhere, anytime with the mobile app or from the web. Control access by choosing to send an Anytime, Scheduled or Guest eKey.

Check Kevo’s history to see lock/unlock events all users and set up notifications when they come home or leave.

The Kevo Touch-To-Open smart locks are available from retailers in the USA (Kwikset) and Canada (Weiser). For more information or to buy a Kevo smart lock, visit or

Kevo for Android is made possible by these wonderful open source projects:

Kevo user reviews :

When this works it’s absolutely amazing! 50% of the time the touch to lock or unlock actually works. Even if I’m connected via Bluetooth or WiFi. The app is great but has downsides. I’m supposed to get heads up notifications when the lock has been unlocked or locked, I never get notifications. Like I said, 50% of the time it’s amazing because it actually works, the other 50% feels like I should of just purchased a $45 lock that uses a key or even keypad. I have the updated app version, 2.6.1….
  • UniKey Technologies
  • We do apologize for the inconvenience. If you update your Android app to version 2.6.1 at your earliest convenience, you should see these issues go away. We hope these new updates will ensure the app is running smoothly for you, and that you would update your review after verifying the functionality. Thank you so much for being a valued Kevo user.
product, Works well, Back to 5 stars with the new version. The problem I had ( and why this went from 5 🌟 to 2 🌟 in the past ). was the prior version was triggering Android’s excessive CPU alert when running in the background. Basically the old version seemed to be busy polling when in the background. This seems fixed, and I no longer get battery issues.
  • UniKey Technologies
  • We do apologize for the inconvenience. If you update your Android app to version 2.6.1 at your earliest convenience, you should see these issues go away. We hope these new updates will ensure the app is running smoothly for you, and that you would update your review after verifying the functionality. Thank you so much for being a valued Kevo user.

Everything I wanted and more. I bought this lock because I hate fumbling with my keys in the dark, or having to go back to my truck when I leave it running and my wife has the door locked. It works perfectly on my Samsung galaxy s5. Also my youngest had trouble using a physical key and my oldest is irresponsible, so I attached two fobs to their backpacks for after school use, fantastic. We haven’t used a real key in over a month and my kids actually lock the door when they leave the house now! Thanks Kevo!

Good idea poorly executed. Just use a key. The lock itself is cheap and nasty. I wrote along letter of complaint pointing out some of the basic flaws but never got a reply. Like everyone here had issues getting it to open across a few devices. Better with just one administrator sending ekeys as it doesn’t cope too well with multiple registrations. But the biggest thorn in my side is they have just updated the software so that it has functions similar to the more expensive locks like Lockwood. But to access the new features you have to pay $69.99!!!!

Best ever I was having issues locking and unlocking when I had my iPhone. Since I got my note 5 I had no issues. The Bluetooth is way better. One of my most favorite apps along with nest

Great work Unikey. Took a while but hey it’s here and working great. No monthly or subscription fees, so yes to Kevo Plus! Got the firmware updated on both of my locks. Wasn’t expecting the localized remote locking and unlocking. Very happy with that. I have a 2800 sq. foot two-story and can lock and unlock almost throughout the entire house. Running on a LG G4 T Mobile.

Worked OK with my samsung galaxy s 5. I got a new Alcatel Idol 3 and it won’t even let me download the Kevo app. Says my phone is not compatible. That’s really a shame.

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